Uncle Amenadiel

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Lucifer's POV

I didn't know whether or not she was really asleep, but her even, deep breathing indicated she was. I finished the last few notes of the song, letting the music fade into the empty air. Lauren shifted in her sleep, her head slipped from my shoulder. I quickly put my hands out and caught her before her head hit the piano.

Luckily, she didn't wake up, so I picked her up into my arms. She was remarkably light and it was very easy. Her head was resting against my chest before I gently placed her on the couch. Her head hits the arm of the chair and I freeze, waiting for her to wake up. We were good. I grabbed a pillow and placed it behind her head before throwing a blanket over top of her.

Should I do something else? Kiss her forehead? No. I decided that would be too much. And she was asleep so it wasn't necessary. Moving back to my own room, I knocked a glass off the table and flinched for it to smash. Instead, it slowly drifted to the floor.

"Uh, bloody hell. What do you want, brother?" I grabbed the glass before it hit the floor, and placed it back on the table.

"What is she doing here Luci?"

"You're talking about Lauren, I presume. Yes, I found out, despite your obvious attempts to prevent it." Amenadiel stalked towards me loudly. I looked at him in an angry way and shushed him with a finger to my lips. "She's asleep, brother, so unless you want a tired teenager on our hands, stay quiet please." He actually listened, and slowed his walk.

"She can't be here. She's not supposed to be with you." He was insane. I was sure of it. My dear, angelic brother had finally gone mental.

"She... has a name. And it was Lauren's choice to stay here. I'm not making her do anything."

"Luci, this was never meant to happen. It's bad enough that she exists at all."

"What, like dear darling bubsy in the doctor's stomach at the moment?" He sighed and shook his head at the ground.

"That's different. It would be fine if she wasn't like you but she is."

"Ooh, low blow brother. Didn't know you had it in you."

"I'm serious Luci. We don't know what could happen. She's already proven herself to be unreliable and a criminal, we don't want to take any risks." My eyes shifted to Lauren. Her face was so calm and gentle. I knew I was losing myself in her presence. I had never cared so much for one person, other than the detective.

"You don't know anything about her. You don't know what she's been through."

"And you do? You didn't even know about her until a few days ago."

"And who's fault is that?"

"I was protecting her."

"You were hiding her."

"Luci." I didn't want to hear it

"No. You kept her prisoner her whole life."


"You chose her destiny for her because you were scared."


"What!" He motions to where Lauren was on the couch, and I turn to find her missing.

"Lauren? Lauren!"

"She's gone, Luci."

"Oh well done brother. You drove her away and now we have to find her." This was just bloody perfect.

"She'll be fine by herself."

"Fine by hers- Are you truly that oblivious brother." He creases his eyebrows together in confusion.

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