Vandalism Isn't Technically a Crime

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Things had become distant between Lucifer and I. He was busy trying to convince angels to join him and make him God, and I was busy avoiding anyone with divine power that I would accidentally take. Layla and I had spent more time together, and out relationship was growing steadily. At least I couldn't hurt her. 

This new revelation was just another curse on my retched life. I was beyond frustrated with running into new problems at every term. Lucifer seemed less than interested at the fact that I couldn't so much as touch one of the angels without draining the life from their souls. It felt isolating. Even though I never came near to touching any of them at all beforehand, it was the new fear and self awareness that gave it its lonely feel.

"Is there anyway to get rid of it?" Layla had asked.

"I don't think so. If there is, my grandad isn't sharing." They sat in the café in a comfortable silence. "What if we left?"


"What if we left. We could move away somewhere. Somewhere that has no celestials, no demons, no gods, nothing." Layla only sighed at this.

"Lauren, you know we can't do that." My hands covered my face in frustration. "Let's just put planning anything aside and figure some things out. Your dad is busy trying to be... God, so it's unlikely you will see him much, therefore you have less chance of accidentally hurting him. See, nothing to worry about." I looked up at her, arching my eyebrow. 

"What about after that? I can't keep living with all these constant issues."

"We'll figure them out as we go along. One step at a time babe." She reached over to run a thumb over my hand and I opened it to hold. "For now, why don't we take a walk and just chillout." That sounded like exactly what I needed.


"You're awfully quiet this evening," Lucifer remarked. "Usually it's impossible to shut you up." I didn't look up from the food on my plate.

"I'm just tired." My bland tone caught his ear and he narrowed his eyebrows.

"Alright, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." There was a pause of silence between us. He didn't believe me and I wasn't trying hard to be believed.

"Is this to do with your little issue." Well done Sherlock, you figured it out. "I've been trying to find a way to fix it, but so far there's nothing that I can see." No, what he had been doing was sweet talking his siblings to prepare to fight his twin and take over the universe. I stood up abruptly from my seat.

"I said I was fine." He didn't stop me leaving and I teleported outside the building and into the fresh air. What on earth was I supposed to do? It was like my entire identity was flying out the window out of my reach. I was losing myself. Look how things used to be, cruising down the streets of LA in a stolen car, not caring whether someone got hurt or not, enjoying the sense of superiority over everyone around me. Hell, I'd almost stopped swearing altogether now. Well fuck that. I just needed to remind myself that Lucifer didn't control me. No one did. Not even God.

My moral compass was unfortunately more pointed north than usual, so I started off small, snatching a few cans of spray paint from a store and heading off to a skate park. The concrete there was already thick with heavy layers of paint, but I chose my canvas and sprayed. Red and black coated the walls, my picture running smoothly. 2 horns, wings, markings. Once I was finished, a massive image of a stereotypical devil, but female, stood proudly and threateningly gazing at the skaters. 

"Alright, funs over, you're coming with me." An evil grin splits across my face and I turn to face the uniformed officer. I didn't recognize her. She must be new. Her nametag said 'Officer Briggs'

Her footsteps were purposeful and steady, walking towards me while she grabbed the pair of handcuffs on her belt. When she was close enough, I grabbed her arm and pulled her forward, moving out of the way so she hit the wall. She came off with fresh paint on her uniform and a scowl on her face. 

"Alright you little brat." Her hand hovered over her tazer and I turned to run. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and my muscles felt electric with the excitement. The lady had jumped into action immediately, chasing me through the park. I was too busy laughing to pay attention to what was happening and she tackled me to the ground.

I hit the dirt with an oomph. My hands were yanked behind my back and I was pulled to my feet. Aw shit.  Fun time is over. 

This new cop was no fun. She didn't take the entire ride to the police station.

"So... Ya come here often?" I didn't even know what I was asking, I just wanted to fill the silence. "Ugh. You're no fun."

"I'm not supposed to be fun. I'm supposed to make you accountable for your crimes." Yeah that wasn't going to match with my plans. While Officer Briggs was distracted by her radio, I teleported out of the car and onto the side of the road, smiling and waving to her while she passed. 

The squeal of wheels hissed in my ears and I erupted into laughter and sprinted into a nearby alleyway, propelling myself up onto a garbage bin and jumping over the fence, running into the parallel street. 

I looked behind me to see Briggs struggle over the fence. Ha! Pathetic. Not looking where I was going, I ran into the crowd at the market, bumping into someone and knocking them over.

"What on- Lauren?!" I grimaced at the voice. Fuck. 

"Uh, hi Dan." His bewildered expression was soon replaced with frustration when he saw the cop jogging towards us.

"Sorry detective, little brat got away from me." Dan's gaze lowered down to me.

"What has she done?"

"Vandalism and assaulting a police officer. Don't worry, I'll get it sorted out." 

I could barely contain my grin. I had missed this. Dan pinched the bridge of his nose. "Briggs, this is Lauren. She's kind of a special case around here."

"Hey!" I complained. But he wasn't wrong.

"I'll take it from here." The officer looked skeptical but left, obviously relieved at not having to deal with me anymore. "Seriously Lauren? Are we still not passed this?" I just shrugged. "Right. Let's get this sorted." He grabbed the scruff of my shirt and dragged me off. "Let's find Lucifer and tell him what you've been up to, shall we."

My feet shuddered to a stop on the concrete. "I don't think that will be necessary."

"Oh? I think it is." He continued to tug until I pulled my away from his grip.

"Lucifer's busy with... stuff. And anyways, I barely did anything wrong."

"You vandalized government property. I don't know what world you live in but here, that's a crime." Barely. Vandalism isn't technically a crime. And anyway, lots of people graffitied on the skate park. "Let's just get you to the station. I'll see if I can find at least one other person who you are willing to put up with."

"What's wrong with you looking after me?" Dan frowned at this.

"Lauren, I have an actual job I need to do. I'm a detective, not a babysitter." My scowl deepened. "Now let's-" Before he could finish a rush of hot air and flames blew us apart. The sound of the explosion ringing in my ears as I found myself on the ground before I could fully register what was happening.

Dust filtered in the air, billowing up in giant clouds. A man walked out of the midst, confidence oozing off of him. He looked down at me with a grin and as my vision regained focus, I nearly threw up at the familiar evil glint in those cold, pale eyes.



Did you want me to keep going?

Yes! Why wouldn't I?

Well you already know what's gonna happen next. Why bother telling you?

I need to see it from your perspective. Now hurry up. Seriously, you could write a whole book with the amount of time it's taking to finish.

That's not a bad idea.

Just keep going.

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