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Lucifers POV

The detective had left with the Douche around an hour ago, but I had refused to leave her. I hated to admit it, but Ammenadiel was right. Lauren had gotten hurt because of me. The doctors attending to Lauren said she was stable but it was impossible to predict anything as they had never dealt with this poison before. I was watching my daughters chest rise and fall as she slept. I wanted to make sure she was still okay. Unfortunately that didn't last long. 

Soon enough, the machines surrounding her bed started rapidly beeping. I stood in panic and a flood of nurses crowded the room in a desperate attempt to save her. Another nurse pushed me out of the room while I was to distracted to fight back. 

From the window, I could see pretty much everything. I watched them do CPR. I watched them attach the defibrillator and shock her. But nothing worked. Eventually, the line on the heart monitor stopped. The spikes deflated to a flat. And I watched as one of the staff called out the time of death.


Back at Lux, no one dared come near me. Even Maeze purposely avoided me. I was in no state to talk to people and if someone tried, I knew they would probably end up in the hospital. Probably the same one Lauren had been in. 

At the thought of my dead daughter, a fresh wave of anger cursed through my veins and I swiped the half full cup of bourbon, along with the bottle, off the floor. I waited for the smash but was met with silence. The glass was slowly emptied of its contents while it gently floated to the floor to meet it's doom. 

"Now is not the time brother."

"I just thought you could use a friend." My egotistic brother was not who I had in mind of the people I would be okay with seeing. "She's where she belongs now." 

"Where? In hell!? She didn't belong there. She belongs here!" 

Ammenadiel gave me a look. I'm not quite sure what he was trying to say. "She will be fine. She'll figure out where she is eventually and then she can figure out a way to get out and do her purpose." Her purpose? What the hell was this guy on about? 

"You better tell me what you're getting at brother before I rip your limbs off and beat it out of you myself!"

"I guess you do deserve to know." Oh hurry up already. know what? "When father figured there was no way to send you to hell for good, he came up with a backup plan. No one but the devil can rule hell. But if we had another, a child, maybe they could do the job. So he sent Laurens mother to bear your child. A child who could keep the lost souls where they are supposed to be. Maybe be a bit more containable than you." 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. For once, I wasn't the only one being manipulated. Lauren was born to rule hell. She want cast out into it for her actions, she was cursed to be there for the rest of her life. 

"When father found out how dangerous it was to keep the two of you together, devil and devil's child, he sent me to make sure you never saw each other again." Again? 

"What are you talking about?"

 "When Lauren was a baby, her mother left her with you. She stayed in hell for the first two years of her life. But she was too similar to you. She was found following you into a hell loop and was able to alter it." During his story, I was frozen to the spot, unsure how to feel. "Lauren ended up getting hurt when she conjured up a storm inside the hell loop. So father sent me to take her from you and send her here." That's not right. I would've remembered. "You put up quite the fight. You were not happy. The bond between you and Lauren was envy worthy. It took a long time to get her to earth while father erased both your memories." The manipulative bastard! 

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