Doctor Linda Martin

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Authors Note: OK, so the story line gets a bit fucked up here. Some of the events are a bit out of proportion to the series. How Ammenadiel doesn't actually have his wings when he and Linda are pregnant. BTW season 5 of Lucifer comes out in four days and I am so excited. This story is kind of a tribute to that fact. But mainly just because it was the show that was on my mind while I write. Anyway enjoy. And please please please let me know you read and enjoy my story by commenting, voting, and continuing this story. It takes two seconds and it gives others the opportunity to read it. Enjoy.

This was the guy who killed Lucifer's friend Emily! And he was also the reason Lucifer found out about me being his daughter in the first place! I was pissed and stood up to face him although he must have been at least 20 cm taller than me, but I wasn't scared. "How the fuck did you just appear out of nowhere freak? Anyway, it doesn't matter, you're the girl who knows what I look like, and we can't have that now can we." This was going to be fun.

He pulled a knife from his belt and pointed it at me. His legs moved slowly as he walked towards me in a threatening way. I smiled and went for the knife. I grab it by the blade, ignoring the sting of it cutting my skin, it would heal soon. The shock of my stupidness loosens his grip and i'm able to pull it away and throw it to the ground. "Who the fuck are you?" Time to be dramatic. I grab his wrist as he throws a punch and twist myself up onto his shoulders where I flip him onto the ground in a headlock.

"I'm the devils daughter fuck face. And you need to be punished."  He punched my gut and I let him go. Oh, he was going to regret doing that. I showed him a glimpse at my devil form and he screamed out and went to run but fell over a stray pipe. "What the hell! get away from me freak! No, please. I'm sorry, OK. I'm sorry, just please don't hurt me. It was just one job. He payed me to do it!" I smiled down at him and allowed my eyes to glow with their fire and he yelled out in fear. I kicked him square in the face, knocking him out cold, then tied him up, and anonymously called the L.A.P.D to tell them where their killer was. 


The stress of the week was building up and it was too much. I had learned and adapted to deal under pressure, especially with getting arrested a lot, but the recent events were just too much for my mind at the moment. I booked an appointment with a therapist nearby, because I decided I had nothing better to do with my life anyway, and it gave me a chance to escape Lucifer since I did not want to be running into him anytime soon. 

The earliest appointment they had was in an hour so I accepted and followed their directions to an address. To be honest, I was kind of nervous. I had never talked to anyone about my feelings, so this was going to feel strange. The door was open when I arrived, and I peaked my head inside the office to see a blonde, middle aged woman, sitting in a chair. "Lauren?" I nodded. 

"Come in and sit down so we can get started." Her smile was so warm that my nerves instantly vanished and I walked into the neatly furnished room. Against the wall was a couch, with a coffee table in front of it. Then there was the therapists chair. Then a desk, and a cabinet. The room was covered in decorations like inspirational quotes and fake plants. "My name is doctor Linda Martin, but you can call me Linda." She was so kind and welcoming. "So, lets get started, what did you want to talk about today?" I sit on the couch opposite her and try to imagine where on earth to begin. 

"OK, so, I recently met my father. I had seen him before but he didn't know who I was. Anyway, this friend of his got shot while I was nearby, and he thought I did it because my prints were on the weapon after wrestling it off the murderous bastard. So he tried to attack me by locking the door in the interrogation room, and choking the breath out of me while yelling in my face, which is when he found out I was actually his daughter. I then nearly fell out of a window trying to get away from him, and he tried to save me and pulled me to safety and wanted to talk with me, where a detective at the station told him to back off. My dad found me at a cafe after I ran off and asked me to go to the club he owns with him. I agreed, like an idiot. But then he and his crazy bartender started arguing in front of me, talking about how I was't planned, and whether or not to keep me, like I was a pet. So I told my dad that his brother told me it was a bad idea to let him know I exist and he was right. But he got mad that his brother knew I existed, so he grabbed my wrist and yelled at me about it, so I freaked out and started teleporting all over the place. He finally let go when I stopped, and I teleported as far away from him as I could go, without thinking about where I was going. And I ended up in the home of the murderer. I beat him up and tied him to a wall, and called the police to pick him up before getting the hell out of there and booking an appointment to see you." 

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