Who Killed Emily

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The look on Chloe's face did not give me as much satisfaction as I'd hoped. I don't think I had ever said that aloud. Saying it made it so real. For the first time in the ten years I had known, it really sank in. The devil, Lucifer, was my father. I was the spawn of Satan himself. Literal heir to hell. Well, probably not that, not if Lucifer never finds out. 

Chloe still hadn't said anything so I leaned back in my chair for her to process this. "Lucifer?" I nodded. "His daughter?" I nodded. "Are you sure?" I nodded "Pretty sure." She gaped her mouth open again. "Wait, so that means... Do you know he is..." I nodded again. She was referring to his... other side. "You know?" She nods before going back to the main point. "Why don't you want him to know?" 

I looked at her like the answer was obvious. "Do you really think it's a good idea if the devil finds out he's a father?" She slowly nodded her head in understanding. "Good point. Alright. I won't tell him. But I'm going to need to put it in the system." I sighed, not wanting her to do it, but gestured for her to do so. "Oh, and don't tell Maze." She nodded as she typed on her computer. 

Lucifer returned as Chloe was finishing up. "Right, you finished?" She rolls her eyes and tells me I can go. I gratefully accept and rush out of there. I head straight for the same place I always do when I need to think. The only quiet place in LA. The library. I read a lot. I've nearly read every book in the library. Some I've read more than once and quite a few I've read over ten times. 

I had a lot to think about. I had never taken the time to register the thought of my father. All the crimes I committed, thievery, arson, assault, breaking and entering, it was all just a cover so that I didn't have to deal with my emotions. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be Lucifer's daughter. I had always hoped that I was secretly someone else's daughter. But we were too similar for there to be any other possibility. 

I had my other form, just like Lucifer but mine was a bit different. I remember seeing him one time in his true form although I didn't know it was him at the time. He looked almost burnt. My look was more like I was on fire. My skin had cracks and my long brown hair turned to flames. Then there was the super power. 

He could draw out peoples desires, whereas I could read anyone's emotions. I could see into their soul and pluck out the feelings they hoped to hide. I could also teleport to anywhere I could see in my mind. It had limits and I couldn't always go where I wanted. And it was tiring but the more I used it, the easier it became. The physical side of things was the same as him. I was unearthly strong. I had also experimenyed and it turns out I was not immortal.

I stared into space most of the time. Thinking of what I was going to do. I decided I would go for a walk in the fresh air. My legs were stiff when I got up as I had been sitting on them for over an hour. The time was now 5:00 and the library would close soon. I made my way to the door when I heard a gunshot. 

A girl next to me fell to the ground and I turned to the shooter. He tried to make a run for it but I was too quick and caught up to him, tackling him to the ground. The gun fell from his hands and I grabbed it before he could. While I was distracted by the gun, he punched me in the face and ran. 

I dropped the gun and chased him but the busy streets of LA clouded my view. Damn. I walked around for a bit, looking for his face, but soon got lost in the crowd, and didn't even know how to get back to the library. After an hour of walking around, I gave up and decided to come back tomorrow.  

The entire place surrounded in police tape when I arrived. I knew my backpack was still inside and tried to sneak my way through, but was stopped by a police officer. "Sorry kid, closed to public." I shrugged his hand off. "My bag is in there. It has my phone and my money and I need to buy food before I starve." 

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