A Night To Forget

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Lauren's POV

Great. This was fantastic. I was being arrested. Deep down, I knew it was for the best. This way, I couldn't hurt anyone. I hoped. But what annoyed me was the fact that the detective thought I would actually do that. I know I have an impressive record but come on. And when Lucifer tried to explain, she ignored him and shoved me in the car. I didn't like being touched at the best of times, but that was just rude. She said nothing during our long, exhausting car ride. The silence made me want to vomit. I wanted to say something to break the silence but didn't want to get into trouble. So I waited. I waited until the car pulled up at the police station, and Chloe helped me out of the car and into the building.

The place was a pale grey. It hadn't changed colors since the last time I was here. But to be honest, that wasn't that long ago. Chloe held me still with one hand, while the other quickly filled out a small form. She said something to the lady at the desk before pulling me off in the direction of the cells. Luckily, there was a cell with no one in it so Chloe put me in there. With a firm push. Rude.

"Stay here until I get things sorted. It's just for a few nights until we either prove your innocence, or send you to a more permanent place." Shit. I hated how these people acted like they wanted to help us. All she wanted was for me to get out of my sight. Luckily for her, she did. I lay back on the bench and began to enjoy the silence. It lasted for a good few hours before I heard two very distinct voices coming down the hall.

"You were supposed to look after her."

"I was."

"Yeah well it sure looks like it doesn't it?" It was Dan and Lucifer.

"Look, can we hold this off until we see her?"

"Fine. But just so you know, I'm only holding of from reporting you to child services for her. and it's only so long before my patience runs out do be careful."

The two men rounded a corner and I got two expressions as they saw me. Lucifer showed relief, and Dan showed concern.

"What's going on Lauren? They told me you were the serial killer. That's got to be false. Right?" When I didn't answer, he gave an exasperated sigh and looked away, hands on his hips in exhaustion.

"Are you alright?" Lucifer asked. I only nodded, afraid of throwing up if I spoke. I had actually tried not to get arrested in the past few days. But it wasn't getting arrested that had me sick to my stomach. It was the memory of those bodies that I had left behind. The people I had killed. Me. "We are going to get you out of here."

"No!" I interrupted. Both men looked at me in surprise. I looked at Dan uncomfortably, and Lucifer got the hint, shoeing the detective away. Once we were alone, I elaborated. "Look. I obviously can't control myself enough to stop killing these people. So maybe it's best if I stayed here, where I can't hurt anyone." He seemed to disagree.

"Where you are safest, is with me. I am probably the only one who can stop you if you do it again. I will help you." I wasn't convinced. But agreed with his plan. He quickly disappeared to have a chat with an official, paid my bail, and took me home, despite the many complaints that came from Dan.

Once home, He took me upstairs, and sat me on the couch. He sat on the coffee table.

"Okay. We need a plan. What has happened every other time this happened?"

"I don't know. I go to sleep feeling fine, next thing I know i'm awake in some strange place, covered in blood. That's it." Lucifer stood and paced back and forth. Rubbing his chin in thought.

"Okay. So if I were to stay awake, I would be able to prevent you from doing anything. I could try and wake you up and if not, i'll just restrain you until it's over." His grin told me he was proud of that plan. He looked proud in his eyes but I saw and etch of worry. "For the love of every demon in hell will you stop doing that."

"How do you even know I'm doing it?"

"Because your eyes show a very distinct shade of sparkly blue every time you use your powers," Weird. I had never noticed that.

"Okay whatever. How will you restrain me?" His sly smile told me I wouldn't like the answer.

"I have my own tools."

"No. No no no no no. I am not using those disgusting old weird sex BDSM shit you have. No way! That's disgusting."

"Do you have a better idea?" He took my silence as a no, and smiled triumphantly.

"Fine. Whatever. But only as a last resort. Okay?" He shrugged. Great. This was going to be a long night.

We spent the rest of the evening having dinner, a few drinks (He gave in to my pleading) and chatting. It gave me a chance to become distracted. I didn't think about much other than hanging with Lucifer. It was actually really nice.

When night fell, Lucifer ordered me to go to bed and I was too tired to argue. I was feeling pretty okay at the moment. Maybe I wouldn't do anything bad tonight. That would show the detective. I would show her I wasn't the dangerous, stupid little kid she thought I was. She would regret ever doubting me. She would see. She would see.


Lucifer's POV

I did my best not to doze off, ignoring the ever growing weight on my eyes. But it payed off. After an hour or two after Lauren fell asleep, I noticed her get up. Where would she go? I decided not to go with our original plan, and just follow her instead. Who was she mad at this time? I had guessed that Lauren had her wings back, but I never imagined this. Two, pearl white wings shot out from behind her. They were identical to mine. I was stunned. They were goregous. Maybe not as big and grand as mine, but still pretty close. She launches herself into the sky from the balcony and I brought out my own wings to follow, carey not to get noticed. We flew down town until we got to a familiar street. Lauren swooped down like a bird finding prey, and landed on the side walk, her wings retracting gracefully. A few meters mack, I followed suit, suddenly recognizing the house. Chloe. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, but when I looked back, Lauren had disappeared. She had gone inside. I rushed to the Detective's front door, and swing it open. When a gun shot could be heard, my heart picked up it's pace. I hurried to the source of the sound, into the Detective's bedroom. Lauren was there. She had a knife in her hands and was about to stab Chloe. A gun was thrown across the floor like trash, and was sitting near the bedside table.

"Lucifer! Help, she's insane! She won't listen." I strode up to Lauren in two steps and placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to distracted her. It worked. She spun around and I gasped. Her eyes were jet black, with black veins streaking around them. Her hair was on fire at the tips and an imaginary wind blow it around like a movie star in slow motion. She smiled wickedly at the sight of me and before I could say anything, the blade plunged deep into my stomach. Being this close to the detective, it went through the flesh with ease. Another gunshot was set off but I was too busy collapsing to the floor in pain. Lauren made an awful, ear piercing shriek, before disappearing into thin air. Then someone turned the light off.

Authors Note: Well that was a bit dark. Oh well. Here's another cliffhanger for ya to stew over till next chapter is released. Sorry about that. Please remember to vote as every view, vote and comment means the absolute world to me. Every notification I get makes me feel 100x happier. So thank you for supporting me and will see you next time.
Ta ta for now my lovelies

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