M'Not Drunk

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Lucifer's POV

I looked at Lux, I went to see Linda, I looked at the library, nothing. Where the hell was she. Sometimes it sucked to have a kid who can teleport.

I had just about given up. I called Dan, Chloe, everyone I could think would know where she was and no one had seen her since this morning.

There was nothing to do except go back to Lux and hope she comes home. I was in my car, trying not to fret to much when a small girl caught my eye out of my side vision.

There she was.

I pull the car over and brought it to a harsh halt, basically jumping out and running over to her. She was slumped against the wall of some old, run down club, with an empty bottle of alcohol in hand.

She looked at me and snorted.
"Well ya found me."

"Are you drunk?" I'd seen her drink before but she looked drunk as a skunk right now.

"Nooo." She started to slip sideways but I managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

"What are you doing here Lauren?"

"Shhhhh, they dunno my name. I's a secret." She put a finger to her mouth in a shushing motion.

"Look, Lauren I'm sorry about today. I should've known it was your birthday and I'm sorry. If I had known, I would've done something for you. Maybe we can go somewhere tomorrow, although I'll have to ask the Detective what to do because I really I'm trash at this. I don't know why but I seem to just keep messing this up. I'm sorry you didn't get a better father than me. You wanted me to accept and want you but all I've done is let you down."

I turn to see her reaction, trying to tell myself that if she hates me it's just the alcohol.

But she's asleep. Completely conked out. Her head lolled to the side and she slipped down again. The bottle fell from her grasp, falling to the ground.

This is fantastic. Here I am, in the dirtiest part of the city, with a passed out drunk daughter lying on the street.

"Bloody hell Lauren." I kick the empty bottle away and picked the girl in my arms. It had been a while since we had been this close. I'm pretty sure the last time, she had been dying. Because I failed to protect her. I seemed to be doing that a lot.

It made me think about what Ammenadiel had been saying about me being bad for her. Maybe he was right. Maybe it would be best if I let her go. Away from me. I just didn't have the guts to give her up.


The car rolled up to Lux and I brought it to a gentle stop. Lauren was still fast asleep in the back seat. I took a moment and just sat still in the silent vehicle. 

"Are we gonna go inside orrr wha?" her slurred words were slow to exit her mouth. But at least she was awake. 

"Alright, time to go." I get out of the car and open the back door for her, having to help her out safely so she didn't hurt herself. It took a while. She kept falling against me and her legs gave way about twenty times per minute, but we managed to get out of the car park and towards the building. 

We were about three meters from the entry before Lauren launched herself away from me and fell to the ground near the bushes to throw up. I could tell it hurt by the way her knees hit the ground and scraped along the concrete. Her hands sat near her legs with her head basically inside the bush while she hurled her guts out.

I give a big sigh before going to help. The sound of her retching let me know she was about to hurl again and I gathered her hair into a ponytail behind her head to keep it out of the mess. 

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