Do you want me?

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I have no idea where to look, but I have to find her. My phone starts ringing and I look to see it's the detective. "Detective I'm a little busy right now-."

"Lucifer, I've found your brother in an abandoned warehouse that's connected to a case. He's injured really badly." Damn it.

"Alright. Send me the address and I'll be as quick as I can." I had to wait for the text before rushing to the car and slamming the accelerator towards the address.

The warehouse was big. Really big. Chloe's car was parked outside. In fact there she is. Chloe appeared out of the main doors and signaled for me to follow her back inside. "I didn't want to call an ambulance because, angel, and everything." Good. Ammenadiel was super picky about humans having proof of divinity.

Inside, Ammenadiel was leaning against a wooden crate, a jacket firmly pressed against his gut. A trail of blood followed him from the center of the floor, obviously where he had originally been.

"Brother what on earth happened." I had a good idea what happened but I needed to hear it from him.

"Lauren *groan* had Maze's dagger. She was *ugh* upset about the whole memory thing and attacked me." Bloody hell Lauren.

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know. She cut me and walked off." Great. Just bloody brilliant. "He'll be fine, Detective. He will heal soon. But I need to find this daughter of mine." Chloe didn't like that idea.

"You're just going to leave him here?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine."

A familiar voice called for my brother from the main doors. I spun around to face Doctor Linda.

"Hello Doctor. What brings you here?" Dumb question.

"Chloe called me. Are you okay Ammenadiel?" He nods and adjusts himself.

"Right. You look after him, I'll find Lauren." I start to walk away but another pair of footsteps behind me make me look around.

"I'm coming with you." Chloe said with an expression that told me she wasn't going to be persuaded otherwise. Alright, if she had to. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have her helping me.


Laurens POV

What had I done? I had hurt Amenadiel. And enjoyed it. I had made everything worse. I let my stupid emotions get the better of me and now he was hurt. Ugh! Why was I so bad at this? Every time I think I'm going to be okay, I make everything worse.

I knew Lucifer would come looking for me but I didn't want to be found. Not by him at least. He would probably just tell me how annoyed he was. I hurt his brother, why wouldn't he be mad? No, I didn't want to talk to him. There was only one person I wanted to talk to.


Dan wasn't at his apartment when I teleported there. When I first started to trust the detective, I did a bit of investigating to find out where he lived, in case I ever needed a safe house. But he wasn't there. The only other place I could imagine him being was the shops. Probably buying more pudding. So that's where I teleported. Ha! I knew it. Dan Espinoza was indeed at the grocery store, at the register, buying pudding.

He spotted me from inside the store, and hurried to pay the cashier before jogging outside to meet me. "Lauren? How are you? I heard that they were able to revive you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to meet you when you woke up." Oh right. So much had happened I had already forgotten that I died.

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