Murderer See, Murderer Do

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Authors Note: I've decided I don't really care about posting only on Fridays and I'm gonna post whenever I like. So here's a new chapter, let me know what you think and anything specific that you want to see or any ideas you have. Thx xx

Lucifer's POV

Regret instantly flooded my body. Crap. I had pushed her too far. In the heat of the moment, I had forgotten to be careful. Now she was dad knows where, doing who knows what to herself or others. I messed up. I had been worried. I didn't mean to sound mad. She was worrying me over and over again. I couldn't keep this up for much longer. Being mad and disappointed and worried about her all the time, as well as trying to stay as calm as I could without pushing her over the edge. But I failed. I had let my emotions get the better of me and now she was gone. 

Hang on. Lauren had mentioned a park. Maybe she had gone back. Grabbing my jacket, I rush downstairs to the car, and make my way down the street to the nearest park I could find. It was quick drive. I jumped out of the car and over the closed gate, hoping with every fiber of my being that this would be where she was. Thank goodness. There she was. Sitting up against the tree with her legs folded up in her arms with her head in her lap. Her entire body was shaking, both from the cold and from crying. I really was the worst father wasn't I. Congratulations Dad, you are now only second worst.

I walked over to the crying girl and sat beside her, only partially worried about the damp earth underneath my brand new suit. "Do you want to talk." No response. "Okay. Then I'll talk. I'm sorry Lauren. It's not your fault. You have every right to go where you want. I got scared that you had left without saying anything, and I had no idea where you had gone. for all I knew, you could have gone off to kill someone." I gave an uncomfortable laugh at the joke but she flinched. "I was kidding. I know you would never kill anyone." She looked up at me. Finally.

"How do you know. How do you know I would never kill anyone?" I gave my most reassuring smile.

"Because I know you. You said it yourself, even you have a line you won't cross."

"And what if I was doing it unknowingly? In my sleep or something." Something told me this wasn't hypothetical.

"What are you talking about?" I was starting to get concerned. She stood up and walked a few steps, arms hugging herself.

"What if I had some part of me that subconsciously was killing people. Walking off in the middle of the night and murdering." She was beginning to make sense. 

"That night you appeared on the balcony. That wasn't your blood was it." She shook her head. "You didn't go for a walk tonight did you?" She shook her head again. Something in my brain clicked. "Oh Lauren, it wasn't you was it? You didn't. Those bodies found by police." She gave a shuddery sob. Bloody hell it was her.

"I didn't mean to." Her voice cracked. And I believed her. 

"It's Okay-"

"No! It's not okay! I'm killing people and I don't know why or how. And I have no idea how to stop." Damn. What do I do. Once again, I had been caught clueless.

"Lauren, listen to me. You didn't do it on purpose. You didn't know what you were doing."

"I could see them. In dreams. They begged me not to. I hear them. Their words. Their screams. I feel their bodies going limp in my hands. I remember feeling the pleasure knowing that I did that. I killed them. But as soon as I wake up, I know what I've done but I can't go back." Lauren breaks down into tears that have been brewing as she kept talking. Her body collapses and I catch her as she falls. I do nothing but hold her. I hold her as her cries get louder and more desperate. In between, she gasps for breath. She has been holding this in since this started. I hold her till the sun comes up. The crying slowly stops and she falls asleep from sheer exhaustion. My phone dings with a text from the detective.

Lucifer, we found another body. It's another police officer. I need you down her asap

Damn it Lauren. I slowly, so as not to wake up, stand up and carry her to my car, not taking my eyes off her red, tear-stained face. I place her in the back seat, resting her head gently on the seat, and jump in the front to head to the address the Detective sent through.

The car pulls up to the building. It's an old apartment place. From down on the street, I can see one window that has been smashed open. If this was Lauren, how the hell did she get up there? Her wings were gone. Weren't they? I head inside, leaving Lauren alone to rest. The Detective is waiting inside.

"Lucifer. Thank goodness you're here. The body is the same as the others. Left in pieces. Stab wounds everywhere. Limbs torn off. Face unrecognizable. But the apartment belongs to one of our junior officers so we know who our vic' is." We walk as she talks until we reach the door which is open to reveal a set out crime scene. Officers and forensic scientists fill the room doing a thorough investigation. Ella was on the ground snapping pictures of the mangled body.

"Looks like our other victims. We might have a serial killer on our hands." Yeah. Something like that. I look around the room, not really sure what I was trying to find. But I spotted it.  In the corner near the broken window, was a single, white as light, feather. Looks like someone had their wings back.

"What did you find Lucifer?" I turn to see the Detective heading my way.

"I know who our killer is detective."

"What?! Who?" Gesturing for her to follow, I head out into the empty hallway.

"Last night I saw Lauren leave. She turned up early this morning. We had a chat and it turns out she's been sleep walking. Sort of. She keeps having re-accuring dreams of her killing different people who offend her during the day." Chloe's eyes widened. "She's the killer Detective. But she doesn't know what she's doing."

"Is she here?"

"Yeah she's in the car." I saw the expression change in her face. Oh no. She turned away and walked at a quick pace, towards downstairs. "Detective you need to listen."

"She's dangerous Lucifer. We need to stop her before she kills anyone else." Bloody hell. This was a mess. She got downstairs and walked out to the car where Lauren was leaning against the hood while on her phone. She looked up at us and looked shocked at Chloe's expression.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Lauren Morningstar, you're under arrest for the murder of Campbell Myers, John Pullman, and Jacob Freeman." She turned Lauren around and started to cuff her.

"What?! You told her?!" I didn't get a word in before Chloe continued talking.

"I'm sorry Lauren. But we need to contain you until we figure out what's going on." She pulled Lauren in the direction of her car and pushed her head down to sit her in the back seat.

"Detective please. Just listen."

"I'm sorry Lucifer. I'm taking her down to the station where she will stay in an overnight cell for the time being. I'd advice you not to come along. We will sort this out tomorrow." Chloe got in the car and I did nothing but watch as they pulled away from the curb and down the street.

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