May 15th

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Lucifer's POV

I had been thinking all day and could not think of a single reason as to why Lauren was acting so off. So I decided not to dwell on her moodiness, and start to do a bit of investigating on the strange child.

I told Chloe I was hoping to learn a bit about her but she refused to give me her file. Said something about privacy but I didn't listen. So I waited until she was gone for a meeting before getting it myself.

The woman in charge of the files, had Laurens on her desk where the detective had handed it to her. It didn't take long to charm it from her.

"My dear how lovely you look today." I was always good at flirting, especially with women.

"Oh, thank you." She blushed beetroot red at the compliment.

"If you don't mind, I'm here to recieve a file that detective Decker gave you earlier, if I could just grab that. Would you be a dear and get it for me."

She gave a stuttery yes and stared at me for a solid ten seconds before snapping out of her daydream and fumbled on her desk before finding it and handing it over.

With a smile and a thank you, I walked off. It kind of felt like reading your child's diary, except these held much juicier secrets. And my goodness it was a big file.

The front page had a picture of the scowling girl with a number held in front of her. Underneath was all her information. Her name, Lauren Grace Hayes. Her age, 15. Her height, 5'1. Her date of birth, May 15th 2002. That was today. Damn, how did I not know? But that shouldn't be any reason to go crazy with rage. And all her physical attributes including skin, hair and eyes colour (white, brown and blue).

On the next page, well, next ten pages, was a list of all her documented crimes. Bloody hell, I think she may have been understating it a bit when she told me she had committed a few crimes.

The page after that was a page of her family. A newly added page was in front of the rest, it was a page on me. The detective must have added that recently.

On the next was her mother. It was the last page of the file. A picture of her caught my eye, bloody hell, is that who her mother was?

Her name may have not ring a bell but I remember that face. Who could forget the women who made hell look like a holiday destination. Underneath it was a brief description. Shit! I'm not one to usually curse but I think I may have found my answers.

India Marie Hayes, December 2nd 1983 - May 15th 2015. That was today. Laurens mum died today.I flick back to the front page to see Laurens date of birth.

Oh hell. Her mother died on her birthday? That must be awful for her. No wonder she hated me, and hated today. I was officially the world worst father. Buts that's only because my dad's not on earth.

I needed to find her. Fast.


Laurens POV

I needed alcohol. Or drugs, whichever will make me so out of it to forget what's going on today.

So I went to the nearest place I knew would supply a 16 year old kid. Oh, you thought I was kidding, you thought I was over exaggerating. Nope. Dead serious.

Thanks to my... Experience, on the street, I knew a lot of people and where to get certain things.

There was one guy who gave great deals and was probably the only person in LA who would even think about dealing to a minor.

I head to the back of this gross club that's not very well known. There, sitting on the step next to the back door was the guy I was looking for.

"Hey Marcus." I know. Super original drug dealer name. Buts it's not his real name. I'm actually one of the very VERY small amount of people who knew his real name, but I'm not about to tell you that.

"Lil?" Like I said, fake names. "Haven't seen you in a while. Thought you were dead. Or straightened your life out." Ha, not likely.

"I've been busy."

"Run into trouble with that cop? You seem awfully close to him." Shit. He was getting suspicious. I had nothing to hide but if he had any hint that I could expose him, I was toast.

"Look, I've tried getting him off my back and he thinks I'm just some clueless child. Although I may have gotten rid of him for now." I think that satisfied him.

"Alright, what d'ya want?"

"I want a distraction"

"You sure? You've always steered clear of that shit. I've advised you against it. Your only young, don't ruin your life now."

"Listen Marcus. I didn't come for a lecture. I came for business now can you help me or not?"

"I'm sorry Lil. Anyone else? Yeah, sure. But not you Lil. I know you. This is a road you don't want to take." Fuck. FUCK!

"Man fuck you. I thought you could at least help me with this, after all I've done for you."

I had helped Marcus out of a lot of shit. Weird, I know. But the 22 year old and I had become good aquantences. I help him, he helps me. At least that's what I thought.

I stormed away from him and headed into the bar. I knew the bartender there as well.

"Shaun, something strong. Marcus is being useless." The guy gave me a weary look and poured me a drink.

"You alright Lil?" I grunt in response to my fake name and drain the drink, grabbing the bottle off Shaun and pour another.

"Listen Lil, I've known a lot of people to go downhill with drinking at a young age. You've helped me with a shit ton of stuff, and I hate to see you go down that road too." Dude just shut up already.

"I'm here for a distraction, not ruining my life." He gave me a sympathetic smile and I wanted to throw my glass through his face.

"You can't numb all your problems with alcohol."

"I said I was here for a fucking distraction. I don't need another stupid father. Not today."

"You found your dad?" I gave him a final look that shut him up and I drank in silence. Glad to drown everything from the stupid day out.

That's the last thing I remember from May 15th

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