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??? POV

The dark of night clouded most of the city but the blinking light of the building below told me I was nearing my destination. I dove down, down, down, until my feet touched the pavement. The white on my back retracted to nothing and I walked up to my victim.

"Who the fuck are you?" Knife in hand, I stepped into the light. "Your that snobby bitch I tried to pick up last night aren't you. Look. It wasn't that big a deal. I didn't realize you were so young. Hey. Stop! Don't! NO!"


Lauren's POV

I woke up screaming.

"Lauren!?" Lucifer came bounding through his room into the living area where I sat on the balcony, covered in sweat. "What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He bombarded me with questions which didn't help the pounding headache. "Where are you hurt? Who hurt you?"

"N- No one hurt me."

"Then who's blood is that?" I look down at my hands which are stained with dark red blood. I start to panic. My eyes widen and my breathing quickens. I mean, don't get me wrong, hurting people, I don't really care about. It's the fact that it happened in my sleep without me knowing that concerns me.

"Hey, hey it's okay." He picks me up onto my feet and guides me to the bathroom where he helps clean off the blood. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I was downstairs in the club. Then I came up here. Fell on the sofa and fell asleep. Next thing I know I'm on the balcony, waking up screaming." His look of concern really isn't helping.

"As long as you aren't hurt." Well at least he cared. But I didn't really notice to be honest. I was too distracted by the blood that flowed down into the drain as Lucifer scrubbed my hands clean. He said something else. Something about Chloe, but I wasn't listening. Every sound around me clouded together into meaningless buzzing in my ears.


Even when we got to the precinct, I still wasn't focusing. Lucifer helped me out of the car, seeming to have accepted that I was totally out of it, and walked me inside, keeping one hand on my shoulder incase I stumbled over. Which I did. Multiple times. The precinct was in chaos. People were rushing around. I was finally able to focus and caught certain words such as, "murder" "gruesome" and "no evidence." What the hell happened here? Chloe looked up from her desk covered in paper and walked over, face as serious as a funeral.

"Lucifer, glad you're here, we could really use your help." She began to explain how a body turned up at the back of a club last night. They were able to run facial recognition and came back with a Campbell Myers. Apparently he was some stalker to preyed on young women. Sicko. His body was left in pieces. The only part truly remaining was one hand, dismembered from the body, and the head which was barely hanging on to the neck. Whoever did this must have been insane. I was able to get a look at the victim when we walked into Ella's lab where some photos were on the bench. My stomach dropped.

That was the guy who cat called me last night. And guess what... He was also the guy in my dream.

I didn't tell lucifer. There was no way. He would freak out and tell Chloe and then I would be toast. As far as I could tell, he didn't suspect a thing. I walked off, trying to find somewhere to get fresh air. I ran into a cop. A very familiar cop. He was one of the guys I put in hospital a few months back. If I recall correctly, he broke his leg in two places, broke three ribs, and suffered severe concussion. Not my best work, it got a bit messy.

"Hey! What are you doing back here?" I decided the best thing to do was ignore him. Shit! I was getting soft. Only a few weeks ago, I would have shoved this guy from the nearest window. But not today. Today I just walked off. "Oi! I'm talkin' to ya! Don't just walk away! I heard they didn't even punish ya for what ya did to me. Well I better fix that." He walked up behind me and I spun around to face his large hands about to grip my arms, but two other hands came from behind him and grabbed him, throwing him to the floor. I looked up at Lucifer, angry as anything.

"Don't. Touch. Her." He turned away and guided me into a meeting room. "Are you okay?" I nodded. Not sure what to say. It wasn't like I couldn't take the guy, so I wasn't ever in danger. But he had saved me anyway. He was getting more and more confusing. "The detective sent me home for reasons I am not going to state. So let's go." That was code for he did something stupid and Chloe ran out of patience. I followed his directions and walked out to the car to go back to Lux.


??? POV

"Oh good. It's you. Now. Let's continue." I looked into his eyes, allowing my power to flow through me. The handle of the blade ran smoothly through my fingers as I spun it back and forth. I was going to enjoy this. "Wait, what are you doing? You'll be locked up for this." His scream rang through the empty halls as the knife dug into his flesh. Bright red blood stained his uniform and ran down his torso. I twisted the dagger and he screamed in pain. "Please. I'm sorry alright. I'm sorry." But I didn't stop. Not until his final scream rang out into the night air.


Lauren's POV

Cold air blasted onto my face, breezing the layer of sweat running down my skin. Shit. It happened again. My eyes adjusted to my surroundings and I realised I was in some sort of museum. My hands were, once again, painted with what I can only assume is blood. I needed to get out of here before anyone saw me. To my right, was a bathroom. Thankfully unlocked. I went inside And rinsed my hands clean before getting the hell out of there. The front doors were locked and I could not be bothered waiting for opening hours. So instead I smashed the glass and walked out. It was even brighter outside thanks to the LA lights. I looked around for an idea of what to do. I only then realized how long it had been since I had been truly alone without someone watching over me. I missed it. I guess I could spare some time. Lucifer wouldn't notice until morning. He never wakes up before 6:00am and the clock on the building said that would happen for another four hours.

During this time, I raided a small dairy, practicing my subtlety skills and how much I could get past the door without being spotted. I took a can of energy drink, a slice of cake, and a packet of pineapple lumps(if you know, you know. NZ). I went to a 24/7 movie theatre and snuck in through the back to watch a movie that went out a week ago and I haven't had a chance to go yet. Finally I went to the library and stayed for a bit, enjoying the peace and quiet. I hadn't even noticed when the clock ticked past six. It wasn't until 6:15 that I looked up and realized I was going to be in trouble.

I rushed back to the club and basically sprinted into the elevator, violently passing the button to the penthouse, and impatiently waited to arrive. When the elevator opened,avery unhappy Lucifer, was pacing floor, and stopped when he saw me.

"Where have you been? Do you know how worried I've been? I wake up, and you are gone. LA is no place for a girl your age." Ugh. Flashback to Daniel giving me lectures.

"It's fine, I'm fine. I just went for a walk." Yeah he did not like that answer. But he let it go. He gave a dramatic sigh and walked off and out of sight.

Was I feeling guilty? Nope. I have dont nothing wrong. Not. My. Fault. If Lucifer found out what really happened, I was toast. I couldn't get the dream of of my head. The screams still echoing in my ears. It was a dream... Right? Lucifer came out into view, pushing buttons on his phone.

"That was Chloe. There's been another murder." Shit.

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