Retirement Party

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We arrived at the park that Grandfather had chosen for his retirement barbeque and stopped to survey the sight. Angels walked left right and center, carrying plates of grilled food.

"This'll be fun," I state sarcastically. Lucifer pats a hand on my back before walking forward to join the family. I really didn't want to move, and I didn't until Ammenadiel pushed me forward, encouraging me to walk. I swerve left to hide on the furthermost side and avoid any interactions.

I had never actually met any of my other family and as soon as I realized how many of them there were, my heart began pounding. I don't think Lucifer realized how stressful this was for me, although he kept glancing over to check on me so he must have suspected something.

"So I hear you're the baby devil?" I look over at an angel in a blue robe. "I'm Zedkiel, angel of righteousness. but you would know that, if you were an angel." I could feel my cheeks burn. I didn't know why I was here. I didn't belong here.

"Zedkiel, annoying as always." Lucifer came to my rescue and shooed the egotistical angel away. "Sorry about him. Seems to think everyone is below him." I look at him pointedly.

"That's exactly what you think. When you aren't having an existential crisis that is." 

"Anyway. Are you going to get something to eat?" I looked over at the crowd of angels. Some of them hadn't even seen me yet and to be honest, I was grateful they hadn't.

"I probably shouldn't. No one here likes me anyway." Lucifer stood beside me with his hand in his pockets, following my gaze to the barbecue.

"Yeah, that makes two of us."

"So what's he going to do about his retirement? I mean, there's got to be another god after him, right?" I look up at him but Lucifer's face was grim with annoyance.

"He says to take things one at a time. Retirement plan first, then his successor." We stand together for a bit until he pats a hand on my shoulder. "Come on. Eat something. I'll keep away anyone who wants to pester you and we'll see if we can get through at least one family gathering before blowing the place up.

It was torture. Probably worse than hell ever was. Anyone we walked past stared at us like we were vermin.

"So we finally get to meet the infamous Lauren, do we?" A shaggy haired angel sauntered up like some high and mighty omnipotent god and sneered down at me.

"Back of Jophiel," Lucifer cautioned, taking a step in front of me protectively.

"What? Just wanted to meet my niece who tried to kill three of my brothers." My eyes fell to the floor. I tried to avoid that memory but it was still burned into my brain. "You've become quite the little celebrity back home." By now, a few of the other angels had gathered around to see what the commotion was.

"I said back off." Lucifer stepped up in a threatening way, his eyes glowing red with anger. Ammenadiel pushed through his siblings to reach us and placed a calming hand on his brothers.

"Let's not make this a scene, shall we?" 

Jophiel glared down at me. "Fine. Nice to meet you Lauren." He extends a hesitant hand and I look at it a second before shaking it. The moment my skin touches his, his face drains of color and he begins to gasp for air, dramatically dropping to his knees. I try to rip my hand away but he had tightened his grip and was now crushing me. Lucifer takes both of our hands, grabbing my clothes arm and pulls them apart. Jophiel leans towards the ground, gasping for air.

"What is going on here children?" God finally decided to step in and sees his son on the ground, recovering from an invisible injury with me looking absolutely terrified.

"She did this. She tried to kill me!"

"I didn't!" I try to defend myself but I can tell that everyone hates me now. Not that they didn't before. 

"Just stay away from me." He shuffles away in a huff, whispering to his siblings in a not-so-quiet manner.

"Are you alright my dear?" God moved to place a comforting hand on me but I shift away, shrinking in on myself. It had happened again. Same as when Lucifer had touched me. I had felt his power draining out of him and into me. "It is alright. You can't hurt me." He takes my hands in his and I look down. He was right.

"What's happening to me?" I barely whisper in fear.

"I had a feeling something like this would happen."

"What?" Lucifer asked. "Had a feeling that what would happen?"

"As we know, Lauren's mortal body hasn't been the best at coping with her divine abilities. I believe that once she reached the age of 17, has reached a point where her divine appetite is taking over the rest of her, but because she only had half the amount of power the rest of you have, she needs more to survive and to thrive. Which is why, whenever her skin makes contact with someone that has the power she desires, she takes it." God holding my hands was probably the only thing keeping me standing at this point.

I didn't know what to think. We had known that whatever power inside of me was fighting to be in control, but now I was supposed to believe that I was stealing the energy from angels? Things just got a whole lot worse.

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