Something Wrong

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What Lucifer had said left me thinking. With everything that had happened, I hadn't stopped to think what he may have gone through. Was it really so terrible to lose me? No one had really ever cared for me that much. I mean, my own mother killed herself because I was that much of a burden.

Great. Now I was remembering hell. The demon playing my mother said she was murdered. They obviously got that one wrong.

After Lucifer's outburst, he had retired to his penthouse bedroom. I was being babysat by Maze, and she was not happy about it.

"Hey Maze, do you know if my mother is in hell?" She glanced up from cleaning glasses and glared at me.

"I don't know. Probably. You said she was an awful person right?" I nodded. "So figure it out." Okay. Fine.

"Do demons only stay in one hell loop or do they change?" Maze sighed at my statement, exhausted at the fact of having to talk to me.

"Some do. Why?"

"I think the demon on my hell loop knew my mum." Now I have her attention.

"What makes you say that?"

"They said something about her being glad she was murdered. If they were acting off of my guilt, they would have said she killed herself. Because that's what she did. At least, that's what I thought she did."

Maze narrowed her eyes at me. "It's possible."

"Do you think Lucifer would know?" She closed her eyes and sighed. We were back to her being tired of me. "Look, I don't know. I'm just here to make sure you don't go on some kind of killing spree." I laughed at that.

"Like you could stop me if I wanted to."

"Oh I think I could."

"Wanna bet?" Maze grabbed her dagger and swung it in her fingers. "I think it would be remarkably easy." She launches the dagger and I teleport across the room and sit into a seat.

"Are you sure about that?" I was met with a scowl and Maze went back to her dishes.

"I suppose you think you're stronger than me too." She said this without looking up.

"Probably. I used to be a lot stronger when I had my wings." Ah ha. I had her attention again.

"You don't have wings?" I shake my head. The memory of my mother cutting them off was still fresh in my memory.

"I'm not immortal like Lucifer. And my mother got worried I would show them in public so she went snip snip."

Maze went silent. Guess she wasn't quite expecting my mother to be that cruel. "Does Lucifer know? What your mother did." I shake my head. No one else knew what she did. And now that I wasn't trying to gain Maze's attention anymore, I kind of regretted telling her.

"Please don't tell him."

"You should tell him yourself. He would want to know." Yeah but if I did, he would... Actually I have no idea what he would do. "How did she do it? I had to use demon daggers to do it to Lucifer's."

"I'm not invincible like he is. She did it with a kitchen knife." The memory of the blood still made me sick. I tried forgetting it as much as possible but it was like it was carved into my brain.

Now Maze was trying to get me to talk about it, I hated it. All I wanted to do was avoid it as much as I could. I quickly teleport to the bar and grab a drink next to Maze. Before she can react, I'm gone again. I disaparate into the penthouse, to find Lucifer on the balcony. The glass lid of the bottle came off easily. There was a clean glass on the countertop and I filled it halfway with the alcohol before striding over to join Lucifer.

"View's not bad. That's about all I can say for this place." I'm not one for small talk, but what I said was true. I hated this building. I didn't know what it was but something about this place just made my stomach churn. But the view. The view was breathtaking.

Without even looking at him, I can tell he's looking at me.

"Is something going on with you?"

Ah, he finally came to the conclusion. Even if I hadn't expected him to remember, his not-knowing was a little annoying.

"Nope, just came back from a torturous time in hell, why would anything be wrong?" I was going to need a new lie soon. Going to hell can only be an eligible excuse for so long.

"You'd tell me, right? If anything was wrong?" Wow. I was actually impressed that he was trying to act like a normal parent.

Usually I find it easy to lie. It's like second nature. But for some reason I couldn't bring the words into my mouth. Something was wrong, but there was no way in hell I was going to tell him.

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