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Pain. That's what I woke up to. Not an overbearing sense of agony, but a dull ache in my neck, head, and knees. I could hear a small voice calling for me from within the darkness. It called my name. Was it my imagination? Was it a voice wanting me to wake or was that not an option. My eyelids were heavy and I was too weak to open them. Maybe I was dead. Maybe whatever was injected into my neck had killed me. That would be a shame. Although I had died beforeand this is not what that was like. So I summoned up my strength and slowly cracked my eyes open to let in the flooding bright light.

"Lauren!" I felt two hands on my shoulders, and shaking me awake. My eyes adjusted and the closing white reduced to low lighting and I focused in to see Layla. "Oh thank God you're alive." She breathed a sigh of relief.

Her hands pushed my back and helped me to sit up.

"What's going on?"

"You were unconscious for two days." TWO DAYS! "The girl you met was Sophie. She's the boss's daughter. They injected a strong sedative into your blood and moved you here with me. They caught me and witnesses said I helped you. To be honest we are lucky to be alive." My brain spun like crazy as I tried to process the information. "I'm so sorry Lauren. I don't know how they knew that we were coming." I looked up at her sorrowful face and gave her a small smile and cupped her face.

"Hey, it's not your fault." I stood up to survey my surroundings. We were in a closed of room with a single door. The room was bare except for a single bed. "Okay. We don't have a lot to work with but let's just see what I can do."

I could try and teleport but I didn't want to freak her out.

"I need you to turn around and close your eyes and don't open them till I say." I said after a moment of debating my options. She looked at me in confusion. "Just do it. Trust me." I She complies with my request and shuts her eyes and turns around. I focus my energy on where I want to go but I am met with an intense shock of electricity. Layla doesn't open her eyes but asks if I am alright when I yelp in pain. There must be some sort of electrical fencing around the room.

"Yup. I'm done, you can open your eyes. It didn't work." She does, and looks at me weirdly.

"What we're you trying to do?" It would make things a lot easier to just tell her. But what if she hates me. What if she gets scared and never wants to see me again. But if I don't tell her, these next few moments are going to be very difficult.

"Layla, do you believe in the whole, God and devil stuff?" She looks thoughtful for a moment before answering.

"Not really, but I don't reject the idea that there is something out there. Why?"

"What would you do if I told you they were real." Shegjvesa small giggle.

"Why, are you Christian or something?"

"Not exactly." I say awkwardly. "What if I told you that not only is it all real, but that you have actually met the devil himself before."

"Is this the whole, 'devil inside everyone,' talk?" She says with a crown.

"No I mean the actual devil. As in... Lucifer." Her confused frown deepens at my words.

"What are you saying? Are you saying that Lucifer is the actually devil? Your dad?!" I bid cautiously, not wanting to scare her. "Prove it." Prove it? I don't know if she can handle it. She might freak out or... I don't think I have a choice at this moment. If I refuse, then she calls me a liar and hates me anyway. So I prove it. I allow my skin to catch fire as the cracks of flame appear on my skin. And just for good measure, I bring out my wings which spread and narrowly miss hitting the walls on either side.

Lucifer's weakness (Lucifer's Daughter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now