The Florist

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Lauren's POV

"I know what it looks like. But I swear, this time, it's not my fault."

"Oh really?"

"I was provoked. And I didn't mean to break his nose."

Dan looked down at me with one eyebrow raised. "And how exactly were you provoked?" The scumbag was a twat, was what provoked me.

"I was downstairs in Lux, looking for Lucifer. And this random guy walks up to me and offers to buy me a drink. I inform him that I am, in fact, fifteen, but he comments how age is just a number. So I punched him in the face and smashed his skull onto a table before kicking him in the balls and throwing him to the floor where I kicked him repeatedly in the gut till Lucifer pulled me off."

Dan put his head in his hands and sighed. "Alright. I'll put it down as aggravated assault. You will be let off with a warning."

"And the prick whose ass I kicked?"

"He will be charged with sex offending of a minor." I smiled, content with the result.

A click of the interrogation room microphone echoed in the small room and Lucifer's voice came over the com. "Good. Can I take her to work now? The detective and I have to go on a case." Dan gave an annoyed huff.

"Lucifer you shouldn't be back there while I talk to you daughter. It's supposed to be confidential."

No reply. He had obviously left and was now waiting for me to come out. Dan turned back to me with an 'is-he-serious' look on his face. I just shrugged and followed him out as he stood up. Lucifer was leaning against a desk, and when he saw I was out, stood up straight and smiled.

"Oh good, you're finished. Can we go now?" I rolled my eyes and thanked Dan before following Lucifer to the detective's car.

"Hello again Detective." Chloe smiled at me when I plonked myself in the back seat. "Hello Lauren. Seat belt on this time please." I giggled and complied.

"So where are we going today?" Lucifer got in the car after me and put his own seat belt on.

"A florist shop on Spring Street." Lucifer gave an unimpressed noise.

"A florist shop? How boring does it get." Typical Lucifer.

"Well if you want, I could stay and do the fun stuff with Chloe, and you can do whatever it is that you do. I'm sure I could be of some help which I can guess is more helpful than you." It was mean, but I was just trying to get under his skin.

Chloe gave a short laugh. "Well said Lauren." She picked up on my goal. "We should bring you with us more often." Lucifer's face when he turned around to face me was priceless. He was not impressed with the fact that we had ganged up on him.

"I am very helpful, I should let you know. Might I remind you I can draw out people's desires."

"Oh yes, that faulty magic trick you failed to do on the dude with Emily? What was his name... Ruben!"

"It's not faulty, but yes." I nodded my head slowly, still trying to see just how far I can push Lucifer. It's what I do. I can be so annoying and I often try and see how far I'm allowed to push it before a person snaps.

"Will I finally get to see this amazing magic trick?" Okay, that was a genuine question. I was actually interested in seeing him do his party trick. I wanted to see how similar it was to mine.


The car stopped next to the cheesiest florist shop I had ever seen. Flowers were littered outside the glass windows. An overhanging, stripy umbrella thing hung over the door. You could clearly see inside the shop, despite the masses of police tape that covered the windows.

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