Once a Criminal, Always a Criminal

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"What in the hell were you thinking?" I shrunk back against the wall, pulling a guilty face. "Huh? Car theft? I thought we were past this Lauren!"

"I just needed some time to think." Which was true. Lucifer stepped back, scoffing in disgust.

"Time to think. And of course you couldn't have just, oh I don't know. Talked to someone! Honestly. I'm not here as a bloody accessory."

"I did try to talk to you shit head. But I remember a certain, 'I don't have the time nor energy to deal with you Lauren.' 'Go upstairs Lauren.' 'Leave me alone Lauren." I mocked his voice, glaring straight back at him.

"Is it that hard for you to act and deal with things like an adult?"

"I'll act like an adult when you finally treat me like an adult." His face softened to a frightening calm.

"Fine. You want to be treated like an adult? Dan." Dan walked up, looking disappointed and annoyed with a pair of handcuffs in his hands. 

"Lauren Morningstar you're under arrest for car theft, insane speeding, driving without a license, and refuses to follow police instructions to pull over." He turns me around and pulls my hands into the cuffs.

"You know that these won't stay on, right?"

"Lauren please." He sounded exhausted with me. Which I had no idea why. I hadn't done any of this shit in ages. "No magic tricks. No escaping. Just face your consequences properly."

"Like an adult." Lucifer adds unhelpfully, face smirking to high heaven.

Dan walks me over to the car and with a hand on my head, pushing me down into the seat. Lucifer helps to close the door and smiles sadistically at me. I had already unlocked the handcuffs, so I took them off one hand to pull the finger at him, glaring holes into his head.

"Lauren!" Dan growls, before getting into the front seat, starting the car, and pulling away from a waving Lucifer. "Seriously Lauren. I thought you were cleaning up your act." 

I shrugged. "I got bored. Needed something to do."

"Bored? You stole a 100,000 dollar car because you were bored?!"

 Again, I only shrugged. "Once a criminal, always a criminal, right?" 

Dan glared at me through the rear-view mirror. "No. People change. I thought you would too." 

"Yeah well, guess you were wrong."

The rest of the car ride was painfully quiet. We pulled up to the station and Dan got out, recuffing me when I got up. He kept a firm hand on my arm and shoulder, determined not to let me go, and dropped me off in a holding cell before leaving to put me through process. Before he left, he gave his usual disappointed back glace with the 'sad', "I really hoped you had changed."

"In a spot of trouble are we?" Whipping around, I readied myself for whatever Michael wanted. There was no one else in the cell. He was sitting in the shadows, shoulders hunched over in his purple turtleneck. He put his hands up in faux surrender and I grimaced in disgust, turning back around to lean my head against the bars.

"What do you want Michael."

"Oh come on. No special greeting for your uncle?" I scoff.

"Not for you. Not after what you did."

"And what exactly is it that I did?" I heard him stand up and kept my senses on high alert for any sudden move. "I showed you the truth. I showed you who you truly are."

"No." I spun around to face him. "You lied to me and manipulated me. You used me like a tool then tossed me aside after I had finished killing my dad. YOUR twin."

"Trust me. Lucifer had it coming."

"No. He didn't. But you did. And you deserve to rot in hell for eternity. So go die in a hole." I spat my words out and turned away from him, afraid that I would vomit if I looked at him for one more second.

"Fine. Have it your way." With a swish of wind, I knew he was gone. I moved back to sit on the bench, feeling like shit. 

"Hello my child." For fucks sake. On the other side of the cell gate was my grandfather.

"What the hell do you want?" He gave a small smile, as if my answer was amusing.

"My my, you remind me so much of your father." Sheesh he was so patronizing. "I wanted to talk to you about the unfortunate event of the family dinner." I scoffed. What was there to talk about? "I want to apologize." What? "I realize that the transition into being around so much new family can be overwhelming for someone like you."

"Someone like me?" I dared him to answer.

"Someone with such divine power in only a mortal body. It must be difficult." I mean, he wasn't wrong. "I also wanted to tell you that it was an pleasure to finally meet my granddaughter."

"Pleasure?!" He has got to be kidding. "If it is such a pleasure, why was I born to rule hell? Huh? Answer me that? If I'm the type of person you would be 'pleased' to see, why did you make my life a living hell?"

"My dear, you are the daughter of the devil. There is nothing I could have done to stop your life being hell. But I wanted to give your life meaning."

"So what? This was all just a 'let me make up for Lucifer's mistakes'?" He shook his head slowly, looking at the floor with his hands behind his back. 

"I can see you are getting wound up. So I shall leave this conversation for when you are more calm." He began to walk away and I snapped.

"Oi! You cowardly prick! You are so fucking stupid that your only solution for when things don't go your way is to ignore it. No wonder your family hates you!" He kept walking and I went to teleport infront of him but something was stopping me.

"My dear you must know. I can block your abilities as easily as a wave of my hand. You aren't going anywhere." He walked off and I continued to try to escape, using all my energy to teleport but I couldn't move so much as an inch next to me. I screamed out in frustration, pacing back and forth, tearing my hair out as I went. This was hell.

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