What If God Was One Of Us

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Come to precinct now!

The text made my stomach churn. Either Lucifer is being overly dramatic and just wants me to get there quickly or something was seriously wrong. Either way, I was needed at the precinct. It was probably a problem around Michael. It had been a few hours since the eventful episode on the lower levels of Lux and Michael moved quickly. 

I moved to the elevator, momentarily forgetting my ability to teleport. I knocked a glass off the table and it floated slowly, gracefully to the ground. Looks like Uncle Amenadiel was slowing time again. But why? He only did that when dealing with celestial manners.  Oh shit. Something big was going down. 

I recalled my talent and focused on an image of the precinct in my mind, I use my strength to materialize my existence to the front room and freeze. Despite being exhausted from the jump, I held my breath at the sight of giant angel wings on three sides of me. White, belonging to Lucifer, dark grey for Amenadiel, and raven black for Michael.

"Lauren!" I swiveled round to face Lucifer.

"What? You told me to come quickly."

"I didn't mean to teleport in the middle of our fight!"

I twisted back round to switch my gaze between Lucifer and Amenadiel, and Michael. "What is going on here?" Lucifer grabbed my shoulder and pushed me behind him. 

"Just, stay out of the way so you don't get hurt." 

"That's right Lauren. Stay behind your dad like a scared puppy." Michael's patronizing tone pissed me off and I moved to advance on his sorry ass but was stopped, reminded by Ammenadiel to keep my temper in check.

"Right." Ammenadiel addressed. "Lets continue." Lucifer smirked and flexed his neck. The three siblings advanced on each other but stopped at the heavenly voice that erupted from the ceiling.

"Enough!" A flash of white blinded them and they lowered their wings in surrender, looking at the man who walked out of the light.

"Dad?" Lucifer's voice was a mix of confusion, fear, and even sadness. I looked back at the man  in shock. 

"Dad?! As in, God?! Like, God!" The Guy smiled down at me in a loving way. I hated it. He looked around at the bickering angels.

"Children. You know I hate it when you fight."


"So, are we going to address the elephant in the room?" Lucifer looked up from where he was sitting on the couch. While I was leaning against the wall with my arms crossed, he had been resting his chin against his intercrossed fingers with his elbows on his knees.

"Right. I guess we better should."

"Why is he here Dad? I thought he, like, never left heaven or something." Lucifer sighed, standing up to pour himself yet another glass of alcohol.

"Yes I thought so to." That was all he said. It was frustrating. I knew he was having a lot more trouble than me at processing this but I was so confused and needed answers.

"Well what are we going to do about it? What does he want? What if he tries to get me to leave you again?"

"Laruen!" I look up at his outburst. "Just, can you please give me a moment? I know this is hard for you to wrap your head around but my I need some time to figure out what to do about my meddling father."

He was right. I was being inconsiderate. So I left him with his thoughts. He didn't really notice when the elevator doors closed on the room and lowered me down into the main room for the bar. I ignored the usual weird glances from adults not wanting a minor in their club and sat down at the bar, leaning over the benchtop to grab a bottle of whiskey and a glass. My fun was soon confiscated when Maeze came up and snatched the bottle, placing it as far away from me as she could.

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