Back from hell

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With Lauren in my arms, I once again remembered all those lost memories that were recently restored. I remembered the love I once felt for the small girl and it made me wonder how I could ever have felt anything different towards her. With her small frame cuddling into me, I got flashbacks of when she was stabbed. But she was quite a bit bigger now. "I remember. I remember being here." Dad must have given her the same memories that had been restored to me. "As do I."

"At least that finally explains this." She pulls up the hem of her shirt just enough to reveal a long scar along the side of her stomach. "Daeva."

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. Although I was only two years old." I laugh along with her. "And now you're 15 and you're still no better at listening." Lauren rolled her eyes and started to get up while I held out my hand to help her. "Let's go home, shall we?"


Lauren hadn't said a word since we got back. She just sat there and stared outside on the balcony, looking out into the bright LA lights shining in the dark of night. I decided it would be better just to let her be. A lot had happened and we both needed time to think. I also didn't want to tip her over the edge with her bipolar.

The smashed piano was still on the floor so I went downstairs to play the other one. Playing piano always calmed me and allowed me to think. With gentle fingers, I played Lovely. It was a song I had learned recently and it reflected my thoughts and emotions perfectly.

I felt lost. My memory was still a little fuzzy as I adjusted to it, and it was conflicted with my newer memories. Meeting my daughter for the first time. The feeling of guilt and regret that I wanted to hurt her. Knowing it was going to be a tough job to look after her. Questioning myself every time I encountered a barrier. Struggling to get her to want to stay with me. It was a lot. Then to throw something else onto the mix, I had actually known about her before.

I remembered her as a child. A baby. A helpless baby girl that lived with me and loved me while I loved her. The memory of my love for her confused me as I had never felt that close to her and it scared me. I had been so vulnerable around her, yet always on my guard for anything that could harm her.

I missed being with her as a baby. I hadn't been there for 13 years. For 13 years she grew up without a father. All because I couldn't protect her.

The music fades into the night and I end the song. I decided I had to get that relationship back. I was going to get close to her again.

The elevator took an eternity to get to the penthouse, and when the doors opened, I walked in with a smile, preparing myself to talk to her. But she was gone. The window leading out onto the balcony was wide open with the pale curtains billowing in the breeze. But Lauren was nowhere to be seen. "Lauren? Lauren!" Where had she gone?


Laurens POV

My confused emotions were banging around in my brain and it was giving me a headache. I could hear Lucifer's piano playing from here. It was a sad song which only made me feel more depressed. I had known Lucifer before. He loved me and cared for me. When I needed him, he was there. And it was my fault that got taken away. Because I couldn't follow a simple rule, I got taken away from him. Ammenadiel had taken me away from him. My dad, the man who loved and cared for me, ripped from his arms. I hated him. He was who I should blame. He took me from my dad, and stole my memories. And he was going to regret it.


The warehouse I had chosen to teleport to was more or less empty. A few empty crates and machines littered the large floor but otherwise, isolated. With my hands pressed together, I call Ammenadiel.

Of course he arrives in an instant. I feel the rush of a cold breeze blow on my face and I open my eyes to face the dark warrior.

"Lauren. I'm so glad you're okay." He didn't get to say anything anymore as I teleported behind him and kicked him in the back of his knee, causing him to collapse to the ground.

"You BASTARD!" I was pissed. And I made sure he knew that.

"Lauren just hear me out. I know you have your memories back so just let me explain." Explain? Why the hell should I let him explain. What could he possibly say that could change how I'm feeling?

"No. You do not get to excuse yourself from this. I was happy in hell. I was with someone who actually wanted me and you stole me away from that so I could stay with my bitch of a mother?! No. You do not get to explain shit." I conjured a knife. A very specific knife that I'm sure Maze is going to be looking for once she realizes it's missing. The dark curved blade sliced the air as he dodged the demon dagger just in time.

"Lauren calm down. We don't need to get violent."

"Oh, I think we do." I kick him in the gut and run after him with the knife in hand, slashing and lunging, trying to land my mark. But heaven's greatest warrior is good. Really good.

"Lauren stop!" I falter at the yell. "You are a child and you will stop this at once!" I think he was expecting me to comply like a kid who's scared of being told off. His loss. I hang my head in mock shame and hold the dagger loosely at my side.

"I'm sorry. I was just so angry." It's not hard to fake regret. But the only thing I regret is not slashing his throat every other time I've seen him.

"It's okay Lauren. Just give me the dagger." And there was his mistake. He let his guard down as he took a step closer and held out his hand expectantly. I go to handle him the dagger but grip the handle tighter before slicing it right at his abdomen. He gasps in pain and falls to the floor, clutching his stomach.

"NEVER tell me what to do. You can go to hell for all I care. I'm not a child. I'm the devil's daughter, and you. You're just the son of a bitch who messed with the wrong girl." And I walk away. I don't bother teleporting away. It feels satisfying to walk away from the bleeding mess of my uncle.


Lucifer's POV

When Maze called, saying her daggers disappeared into thin air, I knew I had to hurry to find Lauren. There were two things that she would need a demon forged dagger for, and I didn't like either of them. Although I would rather her go and hurt Amenadiel than hurt herself. I just hoped to Dad she wasn't sending herself back to hell.

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