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Compared to living in my own space in Lux, Michael's hotel room was like living in a crack house.

The mold covered walls only added to the damp, leaking ceiling. The furniture was limited to a couch, an arm chair, and a crumbling dinner table.

Michael was resting his arms on his knees, enjoying his comfort on the armchair. I was repulsed by the room and refused to sit down.

"I understand that my lodgings are not as grand as Lucifer's but please, just sit down." I narrowed my eyes and folded my arms across my chest.

"You said you knew what was happening to me and how to help. Well?"

"Straight to it? Fine." Michael stood and walked over to the window, looking out on the hotel in the dark blanket of night. "As I'm sure my father has told you, your human form is too weak to fight your divine needs, and you steal the power and life force of any divine creature you come into contact with." I give a short nod to confirm this. "I have a way that this can all go away, but you aren't going to like it."

He seemed to be enjoying this just a bit too much. "Well go on," I enticed. "If you're so smart, tell me."

"I believe that if you were absorb enough power, your body wouldn't need any more and you could stop being afraid of touching any other angel." His sinister smile gave away his intent. He wanted me to kill an angel.


"What do you mean she's gone missing?" Lucifer sighed over the phone as Amenadiel went into a rant. 

"Listen, all I know is that Michael is manipulating her and she went with him." When I had finally recovered from Lauren's draining, both my twin and her were gone.

"Is there any way to track her?"

"No, she left her phone in the car. Besides, she doesn't want to be found. She thinks she's a threat to me." The only thing I could do was stressfully pace up and down the road. I didn't know which way they went and I had no idea where to look. "I thought Michael had been sent home?"

"He was. Apparently he came back without father knowing about it." Great. "I'll ask dad if he knows, you ask around if anyone knows where he's staying. It would be a good place to start."

"Who would I ask?"

"I don't know. You have connections, don't you? Or ask Maze. She's good at finding people." Easier said than done. Maze didn't particularly like Lauren and she wasn't in a good mood with me either.

"Alright. let me know if you find something."

"Same for you." I hung up the phone and walked to my car, looking down at Lauren's jacket and phone. I needed to find her before Michael caused any more damage.


"You want me to kill who?"

"Look, it isn't like he doesn't have it coming." Michael acted as if he hadn't just asked me to do the most impossible task ever.

"No way! I don't even think I could kill him if I tried. Besides, You hate him, not me."

"Oh come on, look at everything he did to you, he's the reason for your misfortune since birth." I looked away, filled with uncertainty from the moment the name fell from his lips.

"It won't work."

"Oh but it will." Michael walked up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "He has a certain weakness for you. He cares for you. This makes him vulnerable. A vulnerability that you can take advantage of." Neither of us said anything. The deafening silence filling every inch of space, suffocating the air. "I know you can do it."

"Fine. If you show me how, I'll do it. I'll kill God."


It was late at night, almost morning. Lucifer sat at his bar, drowning his worry with drink. The elevator door dinged open and he looked up with hope to see Maze empty handed. She shook her head. Lauren was still missing.

"I looked everywhere. Asked everyone. No one's seen Lauren or Michael."

"Look again. She has to be somewhere." Maze was about to reply when the doors opened again to reveal Lauren, looking cold and miserable. "Bloody hell Lauren!" I launched from my chair, racing to her and enveloping her in a hug, taking care not to touch her skin. "Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea how scared I've been. Did Michael hurt you?" Where did you go? What did he say?"

She pushed away, keeping her eyes to the floor. "I'm fine. No he didn't hurt me, just tried to convince me he knew best. I just teleported out before I could hear any more of his bullshit." She wasn't meeting my gaze. Usually that showed she was lying but I brushed it off as exhaustion from the day. 

"Go upstairs and go to bed. We'll discuss this more in the morning. But for now, sleep. It's late." She agreed and walked back to the elevator. If her shoulders drooped any lower, they would brush the ground. Lucifer frowned. Lauren was being unusually tame. What had Michael said to her?


The door to my room closed and I gratefully collapsed on my bed. What a day. For some reason, Layla lingered in my mind. I had been horrible to her, and despite the fact that she lied to me, I wanted nothing more than for her to give me a hug. Tears pricked in my eyes and I gulped down a sob. If Michael was right, once I completed the act, this would all go away and I could go back to being somewhat normal. Maybe I could talk to Layla again and we could sort everything out.

I just needed to focus on things one at a time. And right now, I needed a hot shower. Being in Michael's hotel room had made it's horrible scent linger on me. A shower and a fresh set of clothes. Then I could figure out how the fuck I was meant to kill a literal God.

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