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I must have dozed off, because in no time at all, Lucifer was trying to wake me up. "Lauren. Lauren wake up we're going." I sleepily opened my eyes to see my father crouching in front of me.

"No I'm good. You can go."

I would be surprised if he actually understood what I was saying from my slurred words. "Ugh, bloody hell." The feeling of being picked up woke me up a bit but the rocking of him walking sent me off again.

I was placed in a car and had a seat belt strapped across me. "Mm, thanks." Again, my words were slurred.

"Right, let's get her back."

"Did she not sleep last night?"

"Not much I'm assuming. My brother and I had an argument and woke her up."

"Seriously Lucifer?" By Chloe's tone, I could tell she was annoyed at Lucifer's 'superb' parenting.

"Hey it's not my fault." Um yeah it is.

"It's never your fault." See, even Chloe agrees. He was the one to argue with Ammenadiel which woke me up and now I am absolutely shattered.

"I don't know why you're mad at me."

"*sigh* Just, maybe not cause a triggering argument in front of the bipolar kid."

Aw, she cared. "Hey, I didn't mean to. But yes, I get your point." I think that means he wants to try. Which he already proved last night, he just had to practice what he preached. Which was ironic for the devil.

"You guys are loud. People are trying to sleep back here." For some reason, I couldn't wake up.

"Alright my little devil, time to sit up, the Detective has more questions on that poison of yours." Ugh. Fiiiiiiine. I used all my muscles, catching myself out of breath, in my attempt to sit up.

"Okay. Shoot." With another yawn, Chloe asked her question.

Although I could not understand why I was so tired. I hadn't been this tired even that one time I only got two hours of sleep. Something was wrong. I could feel it. A slight pain in my head made me crease my eyebrows but I tried to focus on Chloe's words.

"First, how hard and expensive is it to make?" How hard? Super hard. It took me a week to make one batch. One week of collecting the rare ingredients, and going through the long and extensive recipe of how to make it. It had been years since I used to make it, but I could at least remember the method of how to do it.

"Well, first you have to boil the petals, and be careful not to inhale the steam. Once the color has left the flower, you drain it with a strainer into a different pan and boil it to get rid of the excessive liquid. Then you wait until the majority of the water is gone so it's more concentrated. Now's the hard part. Add the appropriate amount of ammonium hydroxide, it depends on how many flowers you use and how big. There isn't a specific amount to use so you have to kind of play it by ear. You add enough until the blue liquid turns silver . Once that's properly mixed, add some *Yawn* sodium hypochlorite, or bleach. The mixture should go clear and that's when you know it's ready."

At hearing the familiar mixture of bleach and ammonium hydroxide, I caught Chloe's attention. "That mixture can be deadly." Well duh. How else would you make a poison?

"Yeah. It's your basic poison. But the flower quickens the reaction and speeds up the death. The more concentrated, the quicker they drop. And it also hides the physical symptoms from showing for over 48 hours."

Chloe was nodding thoughtfully and still keeping her eye on the road, while Lucifer switched his gaze between the two of us as if we were talking in a foreign language. "Okay thanks. And I also want symptoms. We need to prepare for anything and if this guy strikes again, we need to know about it."

I nod, trying to remember the exact symptoms. I had specifically asked my first few clients if I could stay and watch the deaths so I could document their reactions. "Well sweating and shortness of breath. Excessive tiredness, headaches, loss of control of limbs, loss of sight, hyperventilating, and finally, death. But not necessarily in that order. Oh and it takes around three to four hours for the poison to take full effect. Unless you leave the poison for a long time then it takes longer."

Lucifer looked shocked. Well, as shocked as he could look. I didn't blame him to be honest. Getting poisoned by that specific mixture could be very painful and no cure had been found yet. "Can I sleep again now? I didn't get much sleep last night as I'm pretty sure Lucifer mentioned." They both nodded and I took the opportunity to catch up on my beauty sleep.


"Bloody hell Lauren, wake up already." But I didn't want to. I swatted the annoying voice away. "Come on Lauren, please." The voice started to sound desperate. I opened my eyes and was helped up. My head was pounding so I put my hand to my temple.

"Was I hit by a truck?"

Lucifer sighs. "Thank goodness you're awake." Why was he sounding so stressed?

"What are you talking about? I just went to sleep for a while." Lucifer started to help me out of the car and I bent over, to catch my breath. Catch my breath?

"Lauren, you were asleep for three hours." That's not possible. He would have woken me up. "Did you forget about me again?" He just rolls his eyes dramatically. "No. We stopped two and a half hours ago at the station. I couldn't wake you so we left. We locked the doors and left you a note saying to call us when you woke up. When you didn't call, I went to see if you were okay, and you didn't wake up. I was getting worried."

Something wasn't right. He helped me up by grabbing my arm and my legs collapsed beneath me. "Lauren! Are you alright?" Suddenly it dawned on me.

"No. No, I am not alright." His worried expression freaks me out more. "I think I've been poisoned."

Lucifer's weakness (Lucifer's Daughter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now