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Walking through the glass, using my power, I teleport a gun into my hand. With the gun pointed at the civilians at the store, they all back up into a corner. I shoot into the air and some of the people scream and duck. Sirens fill my ears, but I don't care. I shoot at some glass cases of jewelry, then grab one of the store workers, and hold the gun to their head. "Put the gun down kid."

I turn to see a police officer. He recognizes me and talks into his radio. "We got a Lauren situation holding hostages in section 239." I push the gun further into the hostage's head and he winces in pain. "Don't get any closer!" He puts his own gun down and steps back with his hands up. Another police siren can be heard, and I see Dan rush out of his car and run inside. "Lauren, what are you doing?"

The tears start to form and I attempt to hold back a sob. He walks towards me cautiously to stop me from using the gun but I let go of the hostage and point it at myself. Dan tries to reach me and the gun goes off. I collapse to the floor as Dan rushes to me as I cry. He had wrestled the gun off of me before I could shoot myself. His arms are around me. "Why are you doing this?"

Because people don't care about me and I'm better off dead. "I'm a burden to everyone. I deserve to die. Why didn't anyone shoot me?" He stands me up and walks me to his car. "Don't ever talk like that Lauren. You're not a burden." My crying won't stop and I feel pathetic.

"I am. No one wants me anyway. My mum didn't, Lucifer doesn't, even you said you'd given up on me. I'm just taking up room in this world. If I die, you won't have to deal with me." I let it all out, despite the fact that I didn't want to. I thought of how happy I had felt last night. What was wrong with me?

One second I was fine, and the next I was trying to kill myself. Maybe I was broken. While I was sitting in the car, Chloe's car showed up and came to a harsh halt. Lucifer jumped out of the passenger seat and jogged over to us. Dan instantly stood up to stop him. "Dude, don't. She doesn't need this right now."

Lucifer looked at him like he was an insignificant human. "Yes, thank you detective douche, but I can deal with her from here." He pushed past and stood next to me. "You left pretty early. I heard the door close while I was arguing with Maze so I guess you heard it. I just want you to know that you can stay with me, if you want. No pressure." Dan grabbed his arm when I didn't respond. "We need to talk." They didn't go super far away so I heard every word.

"I'm doing everything I can Daniel, it's not exactly easy you know."

"Yeah, whatever. Lucifer, this is serious."

"Something tells me this is bigger than myself."

"You think? Look, I think she might have Bipolar."

"You're going to have to elaborate on that."

"Bipolar is a mental disorder, where her brain patterns don't work normally. She can have high and low moods that get triggered by certain emotions. I've been noticing these types of things for a while now, but some sort of drastic change in her life, say, meeting her father for the first time and he rejects her, will tip her over."

"Yes well, she misheard my conversation with-"

"Lucifer, stop making excuses. You may have a bipolar daughter. You need to decide right here and now, if you are ready to take that on before you break her heart."

"I don't make excuses."

"You're averting the question!"

"I am not!"

"Boys!" This was Chloe's voice. "We need to sort out this mess first. Your daughter just broke into a store, destroyed property, and threatened hostages with a gun. Can we please get that sorted before anything else please."

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