New Plan

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A/N: Story is nearly finished I promise. Please take this time to vote. Please. It doesn't take a lot of time and the more votes I get, the more readers will be attracted so please.

We bantered back and forth until a reasonable agreement was made. I would have accepted the first offer, seeing as I wasn't actually looking for a job, but I wanted to look authentic. The guy had introduced himself as Silas. We eventually agreed on the arrangement and he had one of his men put it in writing. I was in. Suck it Dan who spent hours doubting I would come out of this alive.

"Now, Lil." He emphasised that name in a way that meant he knew it was fake. "How about we start you nice and early. That way I can see what you can do." I nod and wait for him to continue. "I want you to find me ten new buyers before the day is up." Okay. That wouldn't be too hard, if it wasn't already past 2 o'clock in the afternoon. "Don't worry. Seeing as it is your first time with us, I shall give you a partner. She will also act as a monitor. A supervisor of sorts to make sure nothing, goes, wrong." The last three words were said with a pause in between that told me that this 'supervisor' was making sure I wasn't going to dob them in to the police. Which was exactly what my job was to do. But I nod and go with it, despite my mind buzzing, trying to figure out a new way to complete my task.

A young girl, my height, around my age, walked out from a door and towards the mob boss. She had dark, jet black hair that shone even under the dim lights. Her pale skin contrasted beautifully against her Jade greens eyes. She wore all black except for her emerald green sneakers and bright green buttons on her silk button up shirt. I caught myself staring at her and looked down, hoping I hadn't been obvious.

"Afternoon Sir. This her?" Her voice was melodic and echoed in the halls.

"Obviously Layla." She blushed and Walked towards me. Her hand was outstretched towards me and I took it, matching her smile.

"I'm Layla." She said at a whisper. I nearly stopped breathing as she spoke in my ear.

"Lauren." I managed to squeak.

"Right, now that you are acquainted, get out of my sight." He didn't need to ask twice. The two of us left the building and walked down the street in the opposite direction to where the guys were in the van.

"So how long have you been working here?" I asked. I wanted to break the awkward silence. Plus if I gained more of her trust, she may let slip some sort of details about Chloe's kid.

"Almost two years now." I nod. "I know why you're here." My heart froze. She couldn't know. "And I want to help." What? She took a hold of my arm and I did my best not to react at the contact. I was pulled into a narrow alley and she pressed me against the wall. Shit she was hot. "Look. This guy has always been rough to work with, but when he took that young girl I knew I had to get out of there. I just didn't know how. I also wanted to do my best to get her out as well. When I saw you from out the window, you crushed an earpiece. Are you police?" I had to be careful. If she was playing me, this entire operation was toast. But she could be my ticket to Trixie.

I looked in here eyes, trying not to get lost in them, and watched the light flicker through them. She was telling the truth. I nod and she steps back.

"Cool, so what's the plan."


Lucifer's POV

What was taking her so long? She should be out by now.

"Lucifer your pacing is really not helping." I stop moving to face Chloe.

"She should be here."

"I know but we can't do much more other than wait." As soon as the words left her mouth, the van door swung open with Lauren outside with a stranger in black.

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