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Michael was right. I could practically smell the energy surrounding God and I knew exactly where he was. I opened the front door eyes, barely registering the room and only focusing on the rage that fueled my power.

"Lauren?" I looked over at a sleepy Amenadiel, tired eyes filled with concern. He must have heard the commotion outside. "What on earth is going on?" He recognized the crazed look in my eyes and the darkness of my wings. 

"Lucifer and Michael are fighting outside." My words spark annoyance and fear in him and he pushes past me to help his brothers.

Linda walks out holding baby Charlie in her arms.

"Lauren are you alright?" I stare through her, my fury cracking just a bit and the sight of my cousin in the arms of my friend. But I can't let them distract me. I was doing this for them as well.

"Go back to bed Linda. Everything is fine." 

I move to the hall where I know God is waiting for me. The wind from my wings blows the bedroom door open where he is sitting on his bed, fixing his shirt color over his sweater.

"I knew you were coming," he states, standing up to meet me with a smile.

"Good." He knows his fate. He's not going to fight it. But as I walk up to him, ready to steal his life force, a tear rolls down my cheek and the spike of fear finally pierces through.

He places a hand gently on my cheek. "Don't be afraid." Why was he being nice. He knew I was here to kill him yet he stood there, comforting me.

"I don't know what to do," I choke out as a sob escapes. 

"Trust yourself. That's all you can do. Do what you must." I look into his face, searching for something, anything, but all I find is an overflowing sense of love and security. 

Tears begin to gently stream down my face as I touch my hand to his. I didn't want this to be painful. But as I felt his energy flow through the connection, I noticed the small flinch of pain in the twitch of his eyebrow. I didn't want to care. I didn't want to feel sorrow for this. I wanted to hate him and feel glad that he was going to die. Do what you must. I remembered Michael's words. He deserved this. He had been the cause for all my pain and all my suffering. If it wasn't for God, I would have been fine and I would have lived a happy life.

"I-  I... hate you." I shook with the fury that filled my veins, ripping through me like a scorching fire.

"I know," was the only response I got. I moved my hand from his, up to his head, holding onto both sides of his skull. I allowed the floodgates to open and was overpowered with the energy bursting through. 

Light extruded between us, escaping through the windows and out into the driveway. My jaw fell slack as a painful scream erupted out of my chest. The energy filled me up like an overflowing bottle but it kept coming. I couldn't contain it. My wings flung out, fire streaming out the tips. I felt hot. Burning. 

Looking up, my head found the escape and burst through the roof, flying high up into the sky. Pressure threatened to rip through my brain and I opened my eyes wide, barely able to breath from the crushing force. My name brought me back to what was going on and I looked down in pain.

"Lauren!" Lucifer yelled to me from the crowd, shading his eyes from the blinding light. "Lauren please!" I howled in pain, both physical and emotional, feeling overwhelmed in every inch of my being. 

My mind flicked back to when I first met Lucifer. I hadn't even known he was my dad then. 

"Hello. Someone has been misbehaving."

Lucifer's weakness (Lucifer's Daughter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now