Piano lessons

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The car stopped at an abandoned looking building. Chloe and Lucifer got out so I decided to follow. No one objected and I continued with them into the building. Chloe got her gun out and I put myself on high alert. I caught a glint of metal from the corner of my eye, and teleported onto the ledge, and kicked at the gun just as it fired, and the bullet narrowly missed the two down below.

"How did you do that?" The shooter pointed the gun at me and I teleported behind him and kicked him in the back so he dropped his gun. He swung around to face me and I did a cool move I learned ages ago, wrapping my legs around his neck and swinging him over the railing so he went crashing to the floor below. It looked like it hurt but he was fine.

Chloe and Lucifer walked up to him and cuffed him, standing him up. I teleported down beside Lucifer and he jumped in surprise. "Don't do that." I gestured to the guy.

"OK, next time I see a gun, I'll let him shoot us, cool?" He just sighed at my sarcasm.

"Why were you trying to kill us?" He looked at the detective.

"I live in L.A. Everyone's always trying to take my stuff. I was going to catch the bastards who keep stealing my shit."

Lucifer gave an exasperated look and knelt beside the man who was now on his knees. "Now. Tell me, bad guy. What do you desire? I know you wanted to kill us, but you've got to want something more than that. So. What is it that you want." I had always wanted to see Lucifer's party trick. But it didn't seem to be doing much.

"What the hell are you on about?"

Lucifer faltered for a second but regained his composure quickly. "Your greatest desire. Come on, you can tell me. What is it that you truly want in this world." The guy stared back at him, seeming to be in a kind of daze

"I- I guess I just want..."

Chloe interrupted him, impatience taking over. "Ruben Mackie you are under arrest for the murder of Emily Divine."

His eyes flickered to Chloe, concern filled his expression. "Emily's dead? What? When?" I could see the sorrow and disbelief in his eyes.

"Yes, she's dead and you are her cold blooded killer." The guy, Ruben, looked back at Lucifer.

"I didn't kill her. Oh, God. She's really dead."

"He's telling the truth."

All three adults turned to look at me. "And how do you know that?" I didn't take my eyes off of Mackie who was showing emotion clear as day.

"Empathic abilities. I can see the sorrow in his eyes. He's only just found out. You loved her didn't you."

He nodded his head. "We had just started going out. She wanted to keep it secret so no one knew. We had hidden dates so no one would know."

Lucifer turned to Chloe. "So that would explain the hidden meetups."

"Where were you Tuesday night at 5 PM?"

"I was at a bar. We were going to meet up in public for the first time and she stood me up. I guess now I know why."

Chloe put her gun away. "Can anyone vouch for your whereabouts?"

"The bartender. We're good friends and we chatted nearly all night." Chloe wrote some notes down in a pad while he gave more specific information.

"Okay, and do you know anyone who could possibly want to kill Emily?"

"No. She was the sweetest girl I ever met. She was my queen. But there is one person who might."


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