Chapter 3 - Kaboom

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"Mr. Stark, it's a bomb!"

An explosion followed and the next thing I knew, my Valkyrie instincts took over. I climbed on top of Thor and spread my wings to cover both of us from the explosion.

After the boom, all I heard was a sharp ringing in my ear. I lifted my wings but my vision was blurry. I could only see what's left of the room and they were mostly just glass shards and rubbles.

When I came to my senses, I looked over to Thor.

"Are you okay?" I panicked.

"E-ella...?" he said, barely a whisper but enough for me to hear.

I looked down and suddenly felt a sharp pain on my back.

"Aggghhh!" I winced as I folded my wings. I had been too caught up in the moment and the adrenaline rush that I barely felt the many shards of glass piercing my wings and one on my lower back.

"We need to get you treated," Thor said. I was going to say it was okay and that I'd rather go home because I didn't want to spend another second with him but he had already hoisted me up.

The pain was all I could think of now and I felt drained. Without even making it to the infirmary, I collapsed.


I opened my eyes and immediately regret it. The light was to bright I might have been blinded the moment I looked at it. When my vision had adjusted, I looked around the room only to find out I was in some sort of clinic/infirmary.

My head was hurting so much I wanted to chop it off and my back was killing me.

"Hey, so you're awake," Dr. Banner entered and I nodded slightly to address him.

"What happened?" I asked, confused.

"Well, there was an explosion at the lab. Someone disguised himself as one of the cleaners and snuck in. When we arrived, Thor was already carrying you and Tony was barely conscious," he narrated.

Fuck, I forgot about Thor.

"I should probably leave," I said and attempted to get down from the bed but Dr. Banner stopped me.

"Unfortunately, you can't. We've seen what you are and Thor filled us in. You're healing remarkably fast. And you have wings. This caught Fury and Tony's attention so you'll have to stay here for questioning."

"What?! Questioning? I had been living quietly as a mortal, what do you have to question me for?!" I protested.

He was about to say something but the door opened revealing a very confused looking Loki.

"Can you leave us alone for a bit?" he asked Banner who just nodded and left.

When the door closed the air was filled with heavy silence. Thankfully, Loki broke the ice first.

"So... it's really you," he said.

"It's been a while," I let out a small smile and looked at him. He's grown so much since we'd last seen each other. His hair was definitely longer and he was way taller than me now.

"You could've at least told me you were here, El." he looked hurt, relieved, and tortured all at once.

"I'm sorry, Loki. I just didn't want anyone from Asgard knowing about my whereabouts," I explained.

"I looked for you. I never would've stayed in Midgard but I'm still here because I was looking for you. 5 years, El. That might seem like a short amount of time here on Midgard but-"

"Time passes differently on Asgard," I finished for him.

"I searched the universe for hundreds of years, El." and he finally broke down to tears.

"I'm sorry, Loki," was all I could say as I hugged him.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you back on Asgard," he gently caressed my hair and instantly, I felt safe.

"What happened when I was gone?" I whispered, scared of the answers I might get.

"I did what I had to do. After you were exiled, I worked on finding the real person behind the attack. Turns out he was a shifter named Vandor," Loki started.

I pulled away from his embrace and stared at him, dumbfounded. "You really did that?"

"Of course. Father has been made aware of his mistake so I convinced him to at least give you some of your powers back. I proceeded to look for you across all of the nine realms, looked in the wrong places so I got mind-controlled then boom–"

"The New York incident," I finished for him.

"Yes. And since then, I've stayed here in Midgard, looking for you and helping out with Thor's merry band of overrated hero friends." Loki smiled and pulled me to sit on the bed.

"Loki, you didn't have to do all that for me," I said, in tears, "I'm not a good person anymore, I've killed people here in Midgard. I'm a monster," and I broke down.

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