Chapter 21 - Lovebites

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I woke up to the feeling of sunlight hitting my face. The curtains were slightly open allowing enough sunlight to pass through. My skin shivered against something cold.

Realization hit me as I found myself in nothing but Loki's shirt– we had slept together last night. I sat up and marveled at the vision peacefully sleeping beside me. His raven hair was a mess and I had to move some strands away from his face. His cheekbones and jaw were sharp, clad in pale white skin.

The temptation to kiss his lips was strong, and it was a temptation I had no reason to fight so I let it guide me, gently kissing him but quickly pulling away so I wouldn't wake him up.

"I had hoped that kiss would last longer," said a smirking god. I rolled my eyes at the fact that he was actually pretending to sleep and waiting for me to do that.

"Good morning," I simply greeted him with a huge smile, resting my chin on his chest, my face close to his.

"I could wake up to this everyday," he greeted back.

"So... wanna talk about last night?"

"Talk? Heavens, no. But if you'd like to repeat last night, that can be negotiated," his teasing made me blush and I playfully punched him in the chest.

"I'm being serious, Loki."

"And I... love you," he said taking me aback.

"What?" I had to make sure I heard him correctly. My heart felt like a hundred galloping horses and my stomach did backflips and somersaults. Heck, I was damn sure that I'm blushing furiously.

"I'm in love with you, El– with every strand of your being." his eyes never left mine. I hadn't even noticed I was crying until he wiped a tear off my cheek.

"Did I say that too soon?" concern was evident in his tone. I shook my head furiously.

"No. In fact, it's long overdue." I attempted to joke so I could distract him from my crying. The happiness just welled inside me, I felt like I could burst anytime.

"Hush now, darling."

"I'm hopelessly, irreversibly in love with you, too." he smiled brightly at my words. I leaned in to kiss him deeply, making him feel all the love I couldn't express in words and making sure to savor his love as well.

"Darling, before this leads to me pinning you on this bed and kissing every inch of your body, why don't we join the others for breakfast?" Loki suggested to which I answered "I wouldn't mind being pinned to this bed by a mischievous god but you're right, I wouldn't do that on an empty stomach." I bit my lips seductively to get the satisfaction of watching him hold his breath at the sight of it.


We walked hand in hand towards the dining area where everyone was seated except Thor who was lazily watching the goldfish in the fishtank.

"Someone had a rough night," Nat gave me a knowing look. Loki had excused himself to fix us both a plate.

"Nothing happened," I awkwardly lied.

"Sarah, I literally sleep in the room to your left. You weren't exactly very quiet either." she laughed and Clint laughed along. "I honestly heard bits of it, too." he admitted.

"Sarah's got a hickey," Bucky said from right behind me. Shit! I forgot about that. I even wore my hair up confidently. Damn!

"Nah, that's actually a mosquito bite." good riddance, I was such a terrible liar.

"I did see a big mosquito last night. Oh, there he is, carrying two plates of food." Bucky teased further just in time for Loki to arrive.

"Good morning, everyone," he had greeted them.

"Good morning, mosquito." Bucky, Nat, and Clint burst into laughter. I was literally red as tomato now.

"Beg your pardon?" Loki innocently asked, clearly oblivious.

"I'll explain later, let's eat. I'll get back at you, Barnes." I squinted my eyes to look intimidating but he just stuck his tongue out and left.

As I was taking a seat, I noticed Thor looking over but he quickly looked away the moment I caught his gaze. I didn't enjoy the sight of him sulking, it made me feel guilty though I know I have nothing to be guilty for.

"He'll come around," Loki comforted, guessing what I had been spacing out for.

I gave him a light smile. Cap and Tony approached us.

"Whoa, keep it PG, birdie!" Tony exclaimed. I gave him a confused look and he nonchalantly pointed at his neck. Shit, the hickey again.

"According to a very apparent marking on your neck, I take it you've had an enjoyable evening," Cap remarked.

"Can we just stop talking about my hickey?!" I burst.

They all laughed at me, even Loki. I mouthed 'you did this!' to him. He shrugged and mouthed 'I'm sorry'.

Great. Why do I have the feeling that they won't stop teasing me about the hickey for a very long time?

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