Chapter 9 - Hydra

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"I knew it," Nick said cheerfully almost as if to annoy the woman.

"Fine. But, you have to remember, once SHIELD deems you out of control, you'll be taken into custody." she reminded firmly.

"I'll keep that in mind, is that all?"

"You'll have to sign some papers, and answer more questions." she said.

Two men came into the room bringing tons of paperwork. "Do I have to sign all of that?" my tone displeased.

"Better start now," the woman said smugly.

I rolled my eyes and started on the signing. This was gonna be one heck of a day.


We had just arrived back at the compound and I couldn't wait for lunch. My stomach was growling from all the signing I had to do.

Clint and Banner were the first to welcome me in, they had also told Tony that Rhodes and Sam went on a recon mission and would be returning with Wanda and Vision next month.

"How'd it go?" Clint pried.

"Clint, let her eat." Tony said knowing I haven't had lunch by the sound of my stomach on the jet. I laughed at how he got back at Clint for scolding him before during dinner.

"Thor's cooking again. Can you please find it in your heart to forgive him? I can't suffer with his terrible cooking anymore," Bruce complained and I laughed at his struggle with the food Thor made although, it wasn't that bad.

"I might want to drag it out longer," I teased and he just shrugged in defeat before following Clint back to the kitchen.

I was already in the living room when I smelled something burning.

"Now look at what you've done! How do you manage to burn poptarts you dimwitted oaf?" Loki sounded frustrated.

"You should've been the god of crappy insults," Thor retaliated.

"And you should have been the god of fires seeing as to how you manage to burn every food you attempt to cook," was Loki's comeback and I think he won that round.

"Dress up, everyone! We're eating out," Thor announced cheerfully and didn't even wait for a response because he had already gone to Tony's lab to pester him into lending us some form of transportation.

"Okay, can someone please make this huge man baby shut up. Second, I'm coming. I don't trust you enough to not ruin the car," he said, pulling out keys from his backpocket and went ahead while the rest of the team followed.

"Wait! Wouldn't it be fun if we all went in costume? Except me of course, I don't have one yet and my wings are enough costume statement," I suggested.

"Good idea, Sarah." Thor said transforming into armor immediately.

"That's just stupid," Tony complained but seeing as to how everyone had their costumes on, he suited up anyway.

"Now that's more like it!" I cheerfully skipped towards the door and they all followed, Tony still grumbling about how childish I was.

"Where do we go?" Banner asked.

"Let's get Chinese food!" my enthusiasm was through the roof.

"Chinese it is!" everyone agreed and Tony had no choice but to roll his eyes and start driving.

"Idiots. I'm surrounded by idiots."


We were all seated on a round table and chomping merrily on our food. I was there between Thor and Loki who bickered every now and then.

"Hi, you're the avengers, right?" a goth teenager approached our table and asked the most obvious question in the universe.

"Yes, we are. How can we help you?" Nat asked kindly.

"Can I take a picture with everyone?"

"Sure!" The Hulk exclaimed stomping his feet excitedly causing the ground to shake.

"Okay, 1 2 3, say cheese!" the girl took a selfie with all of us. She said thank you and was just leaving when she turned around again and said "Oh, by the way, Hydra sends their regards." then she left.

"I'm pretty sure I just heard her say Hydra. Or was it just me?" Cap asked the team.

"We all did," Tony suddenly looked serious.

"What's Hydra?" I asked.

"We've been at it with this organization for years. They focus on enhancing people to create super soldiers," Cap explained how Hydra got the idea from his transformation years ago due to a drug experimented on him by the government.

Tony decided it was time to go home and plan so we finished our food and left. While we were in the car, Thor had said "If you're not busy tomorrow night, I'd like to take you to dinner. Just us."

"Sure thing," I agreed but it left me wondering why. I was feeling sleepy so I leaned to Loki but Thor took my head and leaned it on his shoulder to which I heard him say "She can sleep right here, I have broader shoulders."

I stole a glance at Loki and he seemed distant. I made a mental note to ask him what was wrong with him lately.

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