Chapter 33 - Awake

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Tears of joy stung my eyes. Loki and I were having a girl. Everyone came to hug me, it was the messiest group hug ever but it felt so good to feel supported.

"I guess all that noise wasn't for nothing," Nat teased which Clint seconded.

Just then, Bucky came with Olivia trailing behind him. They seemed to be in a mood.

"What's wrong?" Wanda asked.

"He's messy, that's what's wrong," Olivia replied dryly.

"You're controlling," Bucky retorted.

"You lack coordination and you never stick to the plan," her face was neutral, cold even, but she was spilling annoyance.

"You and your unnecessary plans!" Bucky exclaimed, to which Olivia punched him in the face and left.

Bucky just sat there, dumbfounded.

"I'll go get her," Cap said.

"Buck, what was that?" I asked.

"Long story," he rolled his eyes.

"Have you heard the news?" Vision asked.

"What news?"

"I'm expecting, Buck," I told him. He looked confused, "Expecting what... exactly?"

"She's expecting you to be smarter, dumbass. A child! She's expecting a child," Tony rolled his eyes and went straight to the kitchen.

"Holy shit, that's amazing! And scary. But it's amazing!" he hugged me too and I felt the baby kick.

"She's kicking!" I announced.

"It's a girl?!" Bucky yelped and we all nodded. He lowered his face to my tummy and said "Kick mommy if you want Uncle Bucky to be your godfather," he said. Surprisingly, she did kick.

"I think she agrees Bucky should be her godfather," Wanda said.

"Great, someone who hitched a ride with us in a stolen hydra jet gets to be my daughter's godfather," I feigned being upset to which everyone laughed.

"I'm good with kids," Bucky defended.

"But not good with Olivia," I retorted. He rolled his eyes and replied with "We're a hopeless case. We could never get along."

Our talk was interrupted when Nat called everyone. We gathered around the table and started eating.

"Let's talk baby names!" Wanda cheered. She was thrilled about this, I could tell.

"Tonya!" Tony quickly suggested.

"I'd participate but everything I'm coming up with now sound like scientific names," Bruce said.

"You all know it's too early for that, right?" I chuckled at them.

"Actually, no. You can't wing this shit. It's better to prepare the name before childbirth. When you do the naming after, you start to panic and name your child the stupidest of stuff like Burrito," Bucky lectured.

"Since when were you such an expert?" Clint asked.

"Since 5 minutes ago when I came up with a name... Jamaica!" Bucky answered, feeling proud of himself.

"Okay, guys! All you're giving me are female counterparts of your names," I pointed out and they nodded shamelessly.

We were going through with more stupid names when Thor had come running with a huge smile.

"Loki's awake!"


When the elevators opened, I sprinted to Loki's room. He was trying to sit up so I hurriedly helped him.

"Darling, what happened?" he asked.

"You got knifed." I briefly explained.

"Well, that's a rare occasion," he sarcastically replied. I laughed despite my tears flowing heavily.

"Hush, now. I'm alright," he reassured me.

"I was so scared. I though I'd lose you. I thought I'd lose everyone," I hugged him and sobbed on his chest. He gently caressed my hair.

"But you didn't. You saved everyone."

"You got hurt." I pointed out.

"Hurt, yes. But alive, nonetheless. That mewling quim just got lucky with that shot," he pridefully said. He wasn't used to being in danger and this time, he had been.

"I'll go downstairs and bring you some food, okay?" I told him. He held my hand, and this time his feelings were transparent. "Don't go just yet," he said.

He was scared, too.

"I thought I'd never see you," he was holding back his tears. "I have never been more frightened of death than I was right at that moment."

"What matters is we're here now, together." I kissed his forehead, then his nose, then his lips. My lips lingered on his for a while then I pulled away.

"I missed you," he sighed. "I missed you, too."

A knock was heard so I opened the door. It revealed Bucky with a plate of food and drinks.

"I figured he should eat, then I thought you'd be too caught up in the reunion because you're both cheesy that way and I was right, so here," he said walking in, placing the plate on Loki's bedside table.

"Thanks, Buck," I appreciated the gesture. Bucky's a good friend.

"Could he be in love with you, darling?" Loki pried.

"What? No. He's a genuine friend," I answered.

"Could he be in love with me, then?" he teased and I punched him playfully on the shoulder.

"He wouldn't dare fall in love with me, especially now that..."

"What?" he asked with a confused face.

"Now that we're expecting our little princess." I said.

"Beg your pardon?"

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