Chapter 15 - Stranded

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The jet was waiting for us at the hangar. Loki and I walked side by side with big smiles on our faces. "Feels just like old times," he said.

"Just like old times," I agreed.

We went inside the jet and it eventually took off.


"Okay, this is our drop point!" Cap shouted so everyone could hear him despite the air from the open airlock.

Tony jumped off first, then Nat and Clint, followed by Thor and Cap. Me and Loki were the only ones remaining.

"Let's do this," we said together, held hands, and jumped at the same time.

Odin has never returned my ability to fly but I could still use my wings to steady our descent. Once mere meters from the ground, Loki teleported to close the distance while I landed exceptionally well with my right knee and left hand touching the ground.

"Loki, Sarah, do you copy?" Cap spoke into our earpiece.

"Loud and clear, Cap." I answered.

"Wait for the signal," he ordered which Loki and I followed.

We went into the woods to avoid enemy contact and took the alternative route that Tony had showed us during the briefing.

There was an abandoned hut just meters away from the building. Loki and I decided to crouch there and wait for the signal.

"Should I be bothered that I'm not scared at all?" I asked him.

"I'm not scared, either. And I'm right not to be. We'll always have each other's backs." he replied in confidence which took me back to the days we spent fighting side by side on Asgard.

"We were unstoppable," he said looking up from where he was seated. I looked at his face, admiring his sharp features and raven hair.

"That we were," I spoke, never taking my eyes off of his. He reached for my hand and held it, his hand bigger than mine and was nicely cold because of his Jotun blood.

"Sarah, it's a go." Cap announced from the earpiece which meant Loki and I had to make a run for the building.

Loki teleported inside to open the door for me. He changed our costumes into Hydra uniforms and I hid my wings with illusion.

"I'll sweep this floor, you search the upper level," he initiated to which I nodded.

I tried to walk as casually as possible, even interacting lightly with people to avoid suspicion. There was no sign of a place where they could hold a hostage. Not until I turned and seemed to have reached a dead end but then, I noticed the uneven wall.

Not much to my surprise, it revealed another room where a woman, presumably Wanda, was tied to a chair with something around her neck. I could only assume that was to inhibit her powers.

There were two guards, one on each end of the room. I casually nodded to one and said, "Let me take it from here." to which he agreed complaining about how he badly needed to pee.

He handed a chip to me which I could figure as the key to unlock the inhibitor on Wanda's neck.

"Hey buddy, mind if I borrow your phone?" I asked the other guard. He agreed and went towards me.

I quickly jabbed at his throat, thrust my knee towards his stomach, and hit my elbow on the back of his neck enough to put him to sleep temporarily.

"You new?" Wanda asked.

"That's one way to put it, the team is waiting for us outside. Let's go." I unlocked the inhibitor and the moment me and Wanda stepped out of the room, the alarms blared and we had to fight off some guards.

Loki met us down the stairwell saying he had just seen tons of super soldiers being put in container vans as if they were supposed to be shipped somewhere.

"Someone big must be behind all this," I remarked as the three of us met with the rest of the team.

Everyone was running towards the jet, Loki and I tailed behind when suddenly, a super soldier charged at us. We had to fight him off but he was too fast. He aimed a gun at Loki. I quickly shielded him with my wings.

"Loki, go!" I said. "The jet will jumpstart by 5 miles, if you don't teleport now you'd be left behind!" I yelled busy fighting shielding him from the rain of bullets.

"No," he said. The rain of bullets stopped but Loki's eyes widened as he quickly teleported behind me and in front of the soldier.

It turns out the soldier had thrown an inhibitor aiming for it to latch onto my neck. Instead, it latched onto Loki.

"Loki, no!"

Now, he couldn't teleport to the jet. I took out a dagger and threw it at the soldier, then I took my pistol and shot the dagger right at the handle doubling its speed and hit the soldier right in the head.

Loki dragged me into the woods.

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