Chapter 27 - Vows

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All eyes turned to Thor. I took it as an opportunity to move closer.

"Brother, what horrendous prank is this?" Loki looked amused at the same time pissed at Thor.

"We're saving you and Lady Diana," Thor explained simply.

"What nonsense is this?!" Odin's voiced had shushed the crowd's murmuring.

I stepped forward, confidently glaring at Odin. I had taken a guard's longsword on my way to where Loki was. Odin looked more than displeased, he was infuriated. Frigga was the only one stopping him from ending me then and there.

"Ella, I thought I made it obvious that this was not a discussion," Loki said.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm pissed at you." I told him and looked to Odin. "Cancel this wedding."

"The agreement has been made," he growled. I trembled but didn't show it. Thor rushed to my side.

"I don't remember agreeing to this. Plus, I changed my mind," I declared. "I don't want my flight back."

"How about saving your precious Midgard?" he said, smugly smiling down at me from the throne.

"Fuck Midgard. You mistake me for a hero, Allfather. But I'm no hero. If it means I'd have to crawl forever and watch the nine realms burn, I would for Loki."

I closed my eyes for what I did next. I took the longsword, extended my wings, and...

cut them off.

The pain was unbearable. I fought the urge to scream.

"No!" Loki rushed to me, taking me from Thor, "Why did you do that?"

"Because I'm selfishly in love with you," I smiled at him. He was in tears.

Thor took the cloak he had wrapped on his face and draped them over me. It quickly turned red from the all the blood gushing out of my wings.

"You foolish woman," Odin snarled. "Enough! There will be no wedding today. You both take her to the infirmary, the Allfather and I shall discuss this privately." Frigga announced, glaring at Odin. He shrunk at her stare, waved Gungnir and dismissed everyone.

"Thanks. I mean no offense to you, Loki, but I do not want to get married. At least not this way and not to someone I didn't love." Diana said and bowed before retreating. Thor's eyes followed her with an interested gaze.

"You're crazy," Loki whispered to me. I glared at him, still mad that he had not asked me first.


I was bandaged and treated with Asgardian herbs and medication in the infirmary.

Loki and Thor approached my bedside, Loki with some food and Thor with... Asgardian mead.

"You need to eat," Loki insisted.

"And you need to talk to me before you make decisions like that. That wasn't even your call to make!" I angrily replied.

"I did that for you," he silently said.

"Don't! Don't do things for me if it would cost me you! We've wasted our time back then and now that we're together, I want to be selfish. I want to keep choosing you, us, all the time." I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"I'm sorry," he said, taking me into an embrace which made me cry harder.

"Aww, this is touching," Thor said hugging me and Loki.

"Brother, we are not the type of siblings that show this much affection. I would appreciate it if you remained the dimwitted oaf you always have been," Loki told Thor but when I looked at him, he had a small smile on his face.

"We should rest. Stark is expecting us tomorrow." I said, breaking off the hug first.

"I'll stay here with you," Loki volunteered which I didn't refuse.

"I'll take a walk around the palace first, then I'll come back here," Thor said. I looked at him incredulously.

"I am not liking that look," he said defensively.

"It's late, why would you walk around the palace?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Fresh air?" he answered in a small voice.

"Or you're hoping to run into someone," Loki added to the suspicion pile.

"Pfft, nonsense!" Thor blushed intensely. So he was looking for someone.

"Let's hope Lady Diana has a soft spot for oafs like you," Loki smirked when he saw Thor's reaction at the mention of Lady Diana's name.

"I'm out of here."

Thor stormed out of the room and I was left with Loki. He sat beside me reading while his other hand held mine.

"I can't believe you'd marry someone else, husband," I teased him. He smiled and looked up at me.

"I can't believe you'd cut your own wings either but here we are, wife."

"A small price to pay," I said, barely a whisper.

"I liked what you said," he stated out of nowhere.

"About what?"

"About not being a hero."

"Sounded like wedding vows, don't you think? 'I'd gladly crawl forever and watch the nine realms burn if it's for you.' sounds perfect," I said and he chuckled.

"Cynical, but yes, the perfect wedding vow. And for the record, I'd burn the nine realms for you, darling," he retorted, then he kissed me.

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