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Entry No. 5

It's been years since I got saddled up with Ella and Thor. They weren't very easy to deal with, not just because of their silly antics and their childish pranks but also because everyday my feelings for her only grow deeper despite my efforts to forget her.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to your face when you're thinking hard about something." Ella suddenly said, sitting beside me.

We were in a tavern and I sat alone away from Thor's group. Ella had been sitting with them and I can't help but feel an urge of selfishness. I wanted her to myself.

But now, she's here sitting with me.

"You'll have to get used to it, it's rather handsome when I look brooding." I joked and she laughed as she scooched beside me.

"Talk to me, Loki. I've missed our conversations. All I talk about with Thor is how he wants to be king of the nine realms like Odin, or Mjolnir, or raids and battles." she said, eyes closed and head leaned back. My eyes couldn't help but wander and marvel at her neck, the smooth and supple skin that made me want to kiss every inch of it.

I gulped. Get it together Loki, you should not be lusting over your brother's girl.

"There's this book I've been wanting to read. It's rather intriguing." I replied.

"Is it that one to your left? Have you started it yet?" she asked, energy suddenly perked up. It made me smile.

"Yes. Do you want to start it together?" I asked. Why was I blushing? This is humiliating.

"Yes! Let's start now!" she exclaimed as she grabbed the book and sat beside me on the couch. I held the book for her and we sat there, reading, without a care in the world.

We barely even noticed the time until Thor approached us and said, "We need to get back to the palace."

She sat up and we all strode to the palace when suddenly a bunch of bandits cornered us in an alley. It wasn't spacious enough so Thor couldn't use Mjolnir.

Ella stepped forward and spread her wings, her wingspan covered us well as its tip touched wall-to-wall.

She threw daggers on each of the attackers and I took care of the ones in the back. The good thing about daggers is that it didn't require much space to swing but it's as deadly as any sword that the Warriors Three and Lady Sif used.

I saw that one assailant had gotten too close but he stumbled to the ground in an instant. I couldn't help but give a proud smile despite knowing Ella won't be able to see it.

When it was all over we went quickly to the palace where Thor had separated from us in a hurry to report to Odin what had happened. I noticed Ella was looking oddly pale and she didn't hide her wings, she kept it almost wrapped in front of her.

"What's wrong?" I asked when we were finally heading to our rooms.

"Nothing." she said and faked a smile.

"Ella, tell me." I insisted and she hesitantly removed her wings only to reveal a knife in her side.

"Why didn't you say a word about that?!" I exclaimed as I carefully pulled her to my room where I could treat her.

"Loki, wait. I think... it might be poisoned." she said and my eyes widened. I had knowledge about poisons but only how to use them against people and not on how to get rid of them.

"Stay here and I'll be back."

I left to see someone I knew who dealt with poison. Despite my urgent knocking, nobody opened the door.

"Open the door or I'll burn your house to the ground!" I commanded.

Someone came to open the door and it revealed my associate rubbing his eyes and looking like he had just woken up.

"Geez, don't you ever sleep?" he asked and let me in. I took the knife out of my pocket and asked, "What poison is this and how do I get it out? You better answer fast."

He took the knife and dipped the dagger into a liquid and it turned red.

"You're lucky, this is ordinary poison. Mix all these in exact measure and drink it." he gave me a paper with ingredients and instructions and I took the knife back before I left.

"Oh, before I forget, that cure has a truth serum effect after. It makes the person groggy and way too honest due to lack of inhibitions and consciousness." he added just as I was at the door.


Ella was exactly where I left her. She was pressing a cloth onto the stabwound to prevent blood loss.

I took some ingredients on my way here and started following the instructions.

"What're you doing?" Ella asked, curious bird as always.

"It's a cure for the poison. I'll stitch you up after you drink this." I explained and when I had finished, I went to her, put the cup to her mouth and helped her drink it.

When she did, I let her lay down on my bed and I lifted her shirt so I could stitch her up.

"Thank you," she whispered as I finished the task.

"You don't have to thank me, I know you'd do the same for me." I replied and she gave me a light smile.

"Can you change by yourself?" I asked.

"My limbs feel too heavy, some effects of the poison are still there." she replied.

"Sh-should I help you or ask a maid?" I said gulping. I didn't want to seem as if I was taking advantage of her situation.

"No, I don't want anyone telling Thor about this." she said. "Can... can you help me?"

I silently nodded and replied, "S-sure. I'll just... grab some fresh clothes there and you can just wrap yourself with my blanket."

I left and went to my closet, my heart felt like it would escape my chest any minute. I took the first shirt I could find and went to her, now wrapped in nothing but a thin blanket.

Hesitantly, I sat beside her. She looked weak and groggy, maybe from the poison and the medicine or from the stress of getting stabbed.

"Loki..." she said, not sounding like herself.

"Yes?" I asked.

She leaned in slowly and I sat there, frozen. What should I do? Was she going to kiss me? What was happening?

Next thing I know, her soft lips brushed against mine and I closed my eyes, kissing her back gently.

She pulled away and smiled, then she fell asleep in arms. What just happened?

"Loki what have you done?!" Thor bellowed in rage as he stood by my door looking at me who was holding his lover in nothing but a blanket.

"Thor, calm down. This is not what it looks like." I said.

"You traitors!" he said, storming towards me in anger.

I lifted the blanket enough to let Thor see Ella's wound without revealing parts I should not be seeing.

He stopped his rampage and ran to her side, Ella still in deep sleep.

"She was stabbed in that encounter earlier and the dagger had poison. I flushed the poison out and stitched her up, I was helping her get changed before you marched in here." I said, angry and irritated. Not only did he not check on her before he left, he cared first about seeing us together more than realizing Ella had not been well.

"I'm sorry, brother." he said which did very little to ease my anger. Our kiss flashed in my mind and I shook my head. I wasn't telling Thor that part.

"I love you..." Ella mumbled in her sleep. "Loki."

"I love you, too." Thor said.

I thought I had heard her say my name at the end of her sentence but it was too soft that I dismissed it as my imagination, the wishful thinking of a man who wants to be loved back by the woman he loved.

FLIGHTLESS (LOKI LAUFEYSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now