Chapter 17 - Return

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"How do we know we can trust you?" I studied his movement, his hands were raised in surrender. There were no signs of weapons, except maybe his metal arm.

"You might need this," he said as he cautiously came forward, one arm still raised while the other seemed to be giving me something.

"It's a master chip. It can unlock all inhibitors," he explained and went back to raising his arms as I took the chip.

I studied the chip and glared at him. Without turning my back on him, I went to Loki.

"You better pray that this works," I warned.

I inserted the chip on Loki's inhibitor and heard a click. It came off from his neck and he quickly teleported behind the man and handcuffed him.

"You're coming with us, but we can't trust you so we'll need to have you cuffed," Loki said as he took him to the back of the jet. I climbed back in and Loki followed suit.

"So... anyone know how to fly this... thing?" I asked. I looked at Loki but he shrugged and he looked at Bucky.

"Don't look at me, I'm trained to fight, not to fly this shit," he bluntly stated.

"Okay, then. You probably won't like my driving but here goes nothing," Loki said flipping a couple switches and pushing some buttons.

"Please don't kill us," I said and closed my eyes as we took off from the ground. The enemy had noticed us then and started firing at the jet.

"There's a machine gun at the back. Just push that red button right there," Bucky suggested.

I did as he said and there was indeed a huge machine gun conveniently propped at the back. I started firing at the soldiers and I heard Loki say "That's my girl." which made me smile wider.

I hit the wall when the jet had suddenly run into a tree.

"Loki!" I yelled at him.

"If it were easy, anyone would've done it." he snapped back.

I looked back and saw that we were already too far up and they couldn't send backup jets as of now because Hulk had smashed most of them.

"This has been the greatest first date I've ever experienced," Loki remarked as I sat back down beside him. I kissed his cheek and said, "Me too, love."

"Ugh, get a room!" Bucky rolled his eyes and I found it funny so I licked Loki's cheek to tease him.

"Darling, as much as I love being licked, I don't recommend doing it whilst I'm driving a stolen Hydra jet," Loki said with a smirk.


I fell asleep despite Loki's unstable flying, but I woke up to a huge explosion.

"What happened?!" I panicked.

"It's the Avengers jet, they keep firing at us and I can't communicate with them!" he said frustratedly trying to dodge every missile.

"I have an idea. We're close enough to the jet now, you can teleport there to tell them. I'll take it from here."

As soon as I said that, Loki vanished from his seat and teleported to the jet only to end up holding on dangerously to its wings.

"I meant teleport inside, Loki!" I yelled even though he couldn't hear me as I held onto the controls of the Hydra jet.

"Your boyfriend's got a real knack for trouble," Bucky commented which I replied with "He's not my technically my boyfriend yet."

"I don't think now's the right time to be blushing," he retorted dryly and I just rolled my eyes.

Loki had teleported inside the jet already and soon after, the missiles stopped firing. The back of the Avengers jet opened which meant we could come in so I guided our smaller jet inside.

"You're safe!" Nat rushed in for a hug the moment I stepped out.

"Sarah, thank Odin you're alright." Thor approached me next and hugged me which I awkwardly returned. I glanced at Loki who had his jaw clenched.

"We were just about to rescue you, kid." Tony said.

"Turns out they didn't need rescuing." Clint gave me a proud look.

"Good job keeping her safe, Reindeer Games," Tony told Loki which shocked everyone. He had always been hard on Loki and this was the first nice thing I've heard him say to him. Even Loki couldn't hide his shocked expression but quickly recovered by saying, "Now, now, Tony. No need to get dramatic."

"Oh, by the way, we brought home a souvenir," I said getting back to the jet to pull out Bucky.

"Took you long enough," he said but was shocked when he saw the team.


We all looked to Cap who stared at Bucky for a while then hugged him.

"I thought I lost you, Buck." Cap said.

"I'd hug you back but your friends here handcuffed me so..."

"Oh, my bad." Loki said then he uncuffed Bucky.

"You have to tell us what happened there and you, Steve, have to explain how you became acquainted with a super soldier," Tony ordered.

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