Chapter 7 - Breakfast

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My alarm blared right next to my ear and I jolted awake. One look at the place reminded me that I was now stuck between becoming an avenger or a SHIELD agent. I sat there a minute trying to digest yesterday's events.

"Sarah, you awake?" I heard Natasha call from outside the door which I opened for her.

"Hey, can I come in?" she asked politely and I replied with "Sure thing."

"I wanted to make sure you were alright," she sounded worried.

"Surprisingly, I am. Why?"

"Loki told us about... you know... you and Thor. And you guys had a talk yesterday so... nevermind, I might be too intrusive. It's just that I'm the closest to a girl you can find here while Wanda and Viz are away on a special mission, so if you need a friend, I'm here." she talked fast maybe because she wasn't used to being that friendly or expressive. Nonetheless, I appreciated her gesture.

"Thanks uhmm..."

"Nat. You can call me Nat." she guessed.

"Thanks, Nat. And for the record, Thor and I are okay. I might've let him off the hook too easily but it's been years since that happened so a grudge would be pointless," I said trying to open up about last night's talk.

"Thor can be a bit of a knucklehead sometimes–"

"A bit?" I feigned surprise and interrupted her to which she laughed.

"Okay, Thor is a knucklehead most of the time and what he did must have broken you into too many pieces to count, and no, I'm not defending him when I say this but he's a genuine guy. He can be rash, impulsive, and stubborn to boot but I guess gods have flaws, too." which was true. Thor didn't know any better as he had said last night and he did see an illusion of me so it would be hard to believe when I said I didn't setup the ambush.

"I just thought he loved me enough to believe I would never hurt him, but love doesn't conquer all, apparently." I was afraid I sounded too melancholic so I added "But yeah, I guess that's what knuckleheads do" and laughed it off.

"How about some breakfast before Tony takes you to meet SHIELD?" she nudged me and I loved the playful gesture. I realized I have been alone for so long that I get touched to the point of tears even by simple friendly gestures.

"I think I should, I can't handle Tony without breakfast." Nat rolled her eyes in agreement and we both made our way to the dining area.


What awaited me was a Thor in an apron and some mittens. He was working on what seemed like lasagna but honestly looked like something that had burned.

"Good morning, I thought maybe I should start making it up to you now and what better way to do that than breakfast," he cheerfully remarked, showing us his questionable lasagna proudly.

"That was my idea," someone had mumbled behind me. It was Loki whom I did not notice until now.

"Hey there," you greeted him and he gave you a smile.

"How's your back?" he fussed.

"I'm good, all healed," I said and turned around to show him which he inspected closely.

"Your feathers are all matted, they need washing and combing," he remarked which was true.

"Sorry about that, I didn't really have anyone to do my wings for me when I fell here so the best I could do was shower and flap them til they dry," I sheepishly said.

"No worries, love. If it's okay, I could wash and comb them for you as usual," he offered which I gladly accepted.

Before we could talk more, Thor emerged from the kitchen and called us for breakfast.

"Come, sit with me," Thor said tapping the chair next to him.

I was about to sit when I noticed Loki wasn't there and he hasn't moved from the living room's couch. I realized he was also new here, and maybe New York has him feeling guilty and embarrassed.

"Wait," I told Thor without looking and took 2 plates to fill for both me and Loki.

When I gave him his plate, he looked shocked.

"It's just a plate with Thor's burnt lasagna Loki, surely it doesn't taste as bad as it looks," I joked which Thor apparently heard to which he replied "It tastes as godly as the god who made it," from the dining area.

Loki laughed and took the plate. I sat beside him.

"No one has ever done that for me here," he admitted. "I have always been the black sheep, in Asgard or in this tower, that hasn't changed."

"Loki, you're a good person. It takes long for people to see past your mischief but I've known you long enough to say that you are one of the few good people I know," my confidence seemed to have moved him and he ate with a small smile on his face.

"Mind if I join?" Thor wasn't really asking because before any of us could agree, he had already wedged himself between me and Loki.

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