Chapter 35 - Wakanda

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I woke up feeling sick. Hurriedly, I got up and went to the bathroom then I threw up on the sink.

"You alright, darling?" Loki said, clearly just woken up.

"It's the morningsickness," I told him.

"Is that normal?" he asked, coming to me and placing a gentle hand on my back while I cleaned the sink.

"Yup, definitely part of this motherhood thing," I said, rinsing my face with water then getting my toothbrush.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

I finished brushing my teeth then I turned to face him, my back against the sink. "Since we're both awake, why don't we go for some hot chocolate?" I asked, my arms on his neck.

"Hot chocolate it is."


We went to the cafe we had been in before Squidward attacked. Thankfully, no damage was done to them. Loki had placed our order and we sat there, hand in hand.

"So, we're leaving for Wakanda in a bit. What do you think it's like in there?" I asked.

"I've never been there, we'll both have to wait and see," he shrugged and took our orders from the waitress, placing everything on the table.

"Do you think we'll win this time?" my hands trembled at the possibility of losing, it was no small probability that we will.

"I honestly have no idea," he sighed. He seemed to notice the worried look on my face. "What did Thanos say to you?"

"He said he'd spare us. The three of us," I confessed.

"Tempting indeed," he added. If there was anyone with the strongest self preservation instincts I know, it would be him.

"The Avengers won't let anything happen to you," he reassured me.

"And I won't let anything happen to you," I said.

"Touching, but that should be my line," Loki retorted, taking a sip from his coffee.

"You always get the cool lines, let me have this one," I smiled and took a bite off his cookie.

"Don't go taking from someone else's plate, you cookie thief," he said guarding his plate protectively and I laughed.

"The baby wanted it," I simply answered.

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be? You can just take my food now and get away with it because 'the baby made you do it'? Brilliant," he complained. I was tearing up with laughter at this point.

"I'm pretty sure the saying goes like 'the devil made me do it' Loki," I corrected.

"Babies are underdeveloped devils." he said, clearly not fond of babies.

"Our princess just heard that."

"Well, she's our devil. And oh, we are gonna be doing all things mischievous even the daredevil won't dare stop us." he said proudly which made me smile.

I received a text from Bucky saying we have go back to the compound. Loki and I left the cafe.


"Where were you?" Bucky asked when we arrived.

"Breakfast and hot chocolates, why?"

"Can I talk to you for a bit?" he said to which I nodded. Loki tagged along and I gave him a look.

"What? I can't be part of your besties?" he said.

"It's okay, he can listen," Bucky said rolling his eyes. "You know I have fragmented memories, right?" he asked to which I nodded.

"If everything goes well in Wakanda, I might stay and try out their tech to, you know... get my memories back," he said.

"That's good, Buck!" I said hugging him.

"I think that hug was long enough for him to feel your sincere congratulations," Loki said, parting me and Bucky. I laughed at him.

"Why would you tell me?" I asked.

"You're my bestie," he said and winked before leaving.

"Wait, Buck! Where's Olivia?" I asked.

"She's with SHIELD. Long story." he answered then Tony announced, "Okay, we're leaving. Everyone good to go?"

Loki reached for my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Remember, you're sitting this one out," Cap said, looking at me with his soldier look.

I nodded and got on the jet with the others.


"We are now entering Wakanda's energy field," the pilot announced.

I looked out of the window and my jaw dropped. It was a surreal view. The trees danced gracefully as we passed the luscious forests. The buildings and the transportation were a modern contrast to the natural setting but they blended pretty well, surprisingly.

"It's beautiful," I gasped which Loki heard.

"It is. Shame we'd be taking the battle here," he regretfully said which was true. I couldn't imagine all this being razed to the ground by an intergalactic war.

"Okay, gather round," Cap announced. "I'm not sure if we'll win, and the odds don't seem to be on our favor either."

"I already feel motivated," Loki sarcastically remarked.

"But, win or lose, we'll do it together," Cap ended and our ship landed.

We were met by a man in a black robe named T'challa. Bruce bowed, lookinh confused.

"We don't do that here," T'challa said. Bruce pulled himself together.

This was it.

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