Chapter 47 - Reception

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After the ceremony, everyone headed to the great hall where a banquet was prepared to celebrate our marriage. The place looked pretty much the same, with a theme of gold and green. There was a huge chocolate fountain and some champagne. So this was what Frigga was up to with that checklist.

I had changed into a green evening gown with a beautiful golden trail. Loki changed into his classic ensemble of an all-black suit. He ditched the helmet for better mobility.

"You should go talk to our Midgardian guests first, I have something to take care of," he whispered beside me.

"Will you be long?"

"No, this'll just be a minute," he shortly replied, kissing me on the cheek before he left with a huge smile.

I went to where the Avengers were seated. Nat and Wanda immediately stood up and met me halfway to give me a warm hug.

"Okay, first of all, congratulations," Nat started, took another sip from her glass, and continued to say, "Second, I cannot be held accountable for my actions here because I'm a little drunk. Your Asgardian alcohol hits different."

"Seriously, Nat? A little drunk? That's like your... fourth glass?" Wanda chuckled.

"Correction, 7th glass," Nat said with a proud smile.

"Okay, ladies let's go talk to the others. I haven't seen them in a while." I said holding both of them by the waist and guiding them back to the table.

"Look who it is, the bride of the century!" Bucky announced. I made a mental note to talk to him about the memory retrieval.

"Hey there, Barnes. I know you missed your bestie," I teased.

"That I did, though I hate to admit it," Bucky shrugged and stood up to hug me.

"Congratulations, Sarah. We're happy for you." Cap said.

"Could I see some Asgardian tech while we're here?" Tony asked, clearly curious about how things worked in Asgard.

"Sure, I'll show you some tomorrow," I replied which earned me a huge grin from Tony.

"You're married now, what's your last name?" Clint mused.

"I mean on Midgard I'd be Mrs. Laufeyson," I answered. It seemed to satisfy him.

"Buck, can we talk?" I asked, he nodded and went with me to one of the unoccupied balconies.

"Let me guess, how'd the retrieval go?" Bucky had a small smile which I didn't know whether to take as a good or bad sign but I nodded in response to his question.

"It was successful. I remember things I wanted to, but it came with some things I wish I didn't," he admitted, eyes on the ground.

"Anything notable? That is if you want to tell me," I tried to pry.

"Olivia. But that's a story for another time. This night is about you." he nudged me on the shoulder and I rolled my eyes smiling.

Just then, music started playing. It was a Midgardian song entitled 'Can't Help Falling In Love'.

"Is it just me or that voice seems familiar?" Bucky said. It was familiar, and the singing was good, too. We went to the stage and there I saw one of the best things I've seen in all of history– Loki was singing to me, holding a guitar.

Loki looked at me directly as he sang, Clint stood beside me with a proud smile.

"Let me guess, this was your advice?" I arched my brow at him to which he shrugged. That was definitely a yes. If I could guess again, it was Thor who told Loki to ask Clint.

"For once, this is some good advice." I said patting him on the back.

I returned my attention to Loki smiling as I listened to his singing. Who knew Loki could sing? And wonderfully at that.

He gestured for me to come up on the stage with him. Bucky pushed me slightly from the back so I got there, Loki helped me up.

Just as he finished the song, the lights turned off. My reflexes made me reach for a dagger that was sheathed on my thigh. I unfolded my wings and came into a fighting stance.

The lights were back on and it was just me and Loki on the stage. The tables were cleared to the sides to make space in the middle. The room had now transformed into a dancefloor.

"I should have known you'd bring a knife to our wedding," he laughed at me.

I resheathed the knife before saying, "You can never be too careful."

"What else did you bring?" he asked, offering his hand.

"A pistol... or two...? I smiled sheepishly as I took his hand and we started slow dancing.

"Now I know for certain I married the right woman," he smiled mischievously.

"Of course you did."

We danced happily in each other's arms. Then I danced with Thor, and Bucky, and the rest of the avengers. It was a night I could never forget.

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