Chapter 11 - Training

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"Loki, I-"

"I think we should head back inside, dinner might be ready," he interrupted, clearly avoiding the discussion.

"Okay..." I relented. I didn't want to push it and make him uncomfortable.

The walk back to the dining area was excruciatingly silent. When we got there, Nat gave me a 'how did it go?' look and I just shrugged.

The rest of the night was uneventful and after hours of staring at nothing and overthinking in my room, I fell asleep.


I spent the rest of the morning trying to talk to Loki but he was awfully avoidant. Thor was the opposite. He spent all morning doing nice things for me.

"Sarah, I hope you didn't forget about dinner tonight," he reminded me for the nth time today.

"I haven't forgotten, Thor." I chuckled at him and he said he had somewhere to be.

"Sarah, we need you here at the training room," Cap called from the intercom so I went to the elevators.

As I was stepping in, Loki also did. The doors closed slowly and the ride was painfully slow.

"So, where you off to?" I tried to sound casual.

"Nat called me to train," he replied shortly.

"Oh, great," I said, knowing that somehow Nat did this for me.


Nat winked at me when Loki and I stepped into the training room. Cap was setting up the room while Loki just sat there on the bench.

"Since you're both Asgardian, I'm assuming you have quite similar techniques so for today, we'd like to see you spar against each other," Cap instructed.

"This is ridiculous," Loki complained.

"I agree, Loki couldn't beat me in Asgard. What makes now any different?" I remarked smugly.

"Beg your pardon?" he replied.

"Come on, we need this so we can put you somewhere in the plan," Nat said.

"I'm not gonna spare you, little bird." he said with a smirk.

"Oh, it's on."

We took our position on each end of the room, both fists raised in front of our faces.

"Begin," Cap signaled.

Loki launched first stepping forward with his right foot and jabbing with his left hand which i blocked and went to hit him in the stomach but he was fast enough to dodge it, too.

I went backwards a little bit and set a distance between us so I could think of a strategy. Loki has always been dominant on his right foot. So I ran at inhumane speed, faked an attack to his face, quickly took it back and slid down so I could kick his right foot and throw him off balance.

Once he was on his back I climbed on top of him pinning his chest firmly.

"Okay, yield. You're pretty heavy," he said, breathless and... blushing? Maybe it was just my imagination.

"Not until you stop avoiding me," I said.

"Fine, I'll stop avoiding you," he begrudgingly declared but I wasn't going to let him off easily.

"Look me in the eyes and promise me you'd stop avoiding me, Loki."

Our faces were mere centimeters apart by now. I could feel his heartbeat through the palm of my hand, it was fast and unsteady– much like mine.

"I swear on my life," he said. I felt his breath tickle my cheeks and I just stared at him for a while, his handsome features pulling me in.

Cap cleared his throat which pulled me out of my trance and I quickly got off of Loki. I was pretty sure I'm blushing furiously now. "That's all for today," Cap said and I heard Nat scold him for interrupting the moment.

"You did great, your speed and agility are both beyond normal. Loki, your strengths aren't exactly hand-to-hand combat so you'll spar with weapons tomorrow," Cap dismissed us and I started walking towards Nat.

"El, I'm sorry for avoiding you. Can we talk later tonight?" Loki said, still on the floor.

"Sorry, I can't tonight. I'm going out to dinner with Thor," I admitted.

"Oh... it's okay."

"We can talk now, I don't have anything else to do," I offered.

"It's just... Honestly, I..." he stared at me, eyes confused and definitely trying to tell me something.

"You can tell me anything, Loki. I'm your bestfriend," I reassured. His face fell and he let out a sad chuckle as he looked down. Did I say something wrong?

"Right.  I was gonna tell you that honestly, I'm happy that you and Thor are getting back on track, and as a friend, I'll always support you as long as you're happy," he stood up, gave me a quick and forced smile, then walked away.

At that time, I didn't know why I felt heartbroken. He said we were okay, but why do I feel the need to run to him and hug him. Why does it hurt hearing Loki say we were just friends?

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