Chapter 10 - Confusion

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"Okay, gather round, people." Tony said in the conference room where a hologram projected what seemed like multiple levels of a building.

"As you all know, Wanda and Vision have been undercover doing recon work on Hydra, I sent Rhodes and Sam to help. Here's what they got us so far. A detailed blueprint of Hydra's base." Tony explained.

"When they get back from recon next month, we'll attack the base. Normally newbies should sit this out, I meant Sarah and Reindeer Games, but we need all the help we can get."

"I can take care of myself," I muttered indignantly to which Loki whispered "I know you can," behind me. Of course he knew, he saw how I fought on every mission back in Asgard.

"We have approximately 2 weeks before they get back here so Sarah, you're training with Nat, Thor, Loki, and me." Cap said and I nodded in response. I knew I could beat Thor and Loki, but it was exciting to fight Cap and Nat whose techniques are unfamiliar to me.

Cap and Tony eventually dismissed us so we all went to our respective rooms.

I just lay there and thought about how weird Thor and Loki had been acting lately. Instead of just overthinking it, it was better to just talk to them but what do I even say?

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Hey, it's Nat."

I opened the door for her and told her to come in. She sprawled herself on my bed and buried her face on my pillow.

"Is something wrong?" I worried.

"Nooo...? I mean it's embarrassing to admit," she sat up and twirled her hair with her fingers. I couldn't believe Nat had a side like this, she was acting like a flustered teenager.

"Come on, it can't be that bad, right?" I pried, curious about what had her acting this way.

"Bruce kinda asked me out," she closed her eyes so she wouldn't see my reaction but I was already shrieking happily and shaking her. Nat and Bruce huh? Who would've thought.

"And? What did you say?" I said excitedly.

"Of course, I said yes. We're going out tomorrow night. I don't know what to wear or how to act around him. It's just weird, you know? We've been coworkers and bestfriends for as long as I can remember and suddenly this," she had her face covered by a pillow which I removed.

"Girl, get yourself out there! If the feelings are mutual there shouldn't be anything wrong about trying to work through it," my advice seemed pretty neat.

"Well, I guess you're right. And compared to your predicament, mine's easy," she said casually.

"What do you mean my predicament?"

"Seriously? You don't see it?" Nat waved her hands in the air in exasperation which earned a laugh from me but I told her I don't see anything so she sighed.

"The brothers obviously like you," she remarked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What? No! Thor has Jane, remember? And Loki is... well he's Loki and he's been my bestfriend for as long as I can remember!" I may have sounded defensive but it was true.

"Well, that's what my senses are telling me." she shrugged and I fell silent.

"Don't overthink it," she said and put a hand to my shoulder. "Anyway, thanks for the girl talk. I'll just scurry away somewhere and watch from a corner how this love triangle unfolds," she teased which didn't help and then left the room.

Now what? I have to think of the possibility that they might be in love with me? Ugh, it sounds like a cringe teenage problem.

I thought about taking a walk so I put on a hoodie and some baggy pants. Just as I got out of the door, Loki stepped out of his room as well.

"Hi, what mischief are you up to?" I playfully teased.

"No mischief, just a walk." he said with a slight smile.

"Did you just read my mind?"

"No... why?" he asked, brows furrowed.

"I was just about to do the same. Had a lot on my mind lately," which some of it are about him and his brother.

"Wanna walk together then?" he offered his arm which I took and we headed for the garden.


The garden was mesmerizing and for a minute, I forgot about my thoughts.

"What have you been thinking about lately?" Loki pried.

"Nothing. Nat just said something funny," I joked and he asked what it was so I took a deep breath and tried to say it as casually as possible, "That you and Thor are in love with me." and I laughed awkwardly.

"She could be right." he said.


"About Thor. She could be right about Thor." he quickly added which seemed weird but whatever.

"And uhmm, how about you?" I was hesitant because I didn't want this assumption to ruin our friendship.

"Nope, I'm all good. It wouldn't change anything either way so you don't have to worry about me," again with that sad smile.

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