Chapter 26 - Crashed

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I didn't know that I had fallen asleep, but when I woke up, Thor's heavy arm was draped over my face.

"Thor! What in Odin's beard are you doing?" I said as I looked at him making funny faces while he slept. Nothing. I tried shaking him and still, nothing.

"This is gonna hurt just a bit," I whispered to myself as I slapped Thor on the face. He instantly jolted awake.

"What was that for?!" he demanded, still in a haze of sleepiness.

"Well guess what, sleeping beauty, your brother's getting married today!" I panicked.

"Oh, I forgot about that."

I rolled my eyes as he stretched and peered outside the window. Servants strolled back and forth so there clearly was a preparation.

"I need to get there, Thor," I said, almost pleading. Loki and I had spent centuries going in circles. Now that we've finally stopped at the same point in that circle, I can't just let him marry someone else for my sake.

"Don't worry, I'll get you there." he promised.

We went outside, I followed Thor to Frigga's room, I had guessed.

"Thor! Your father is making another mistake!" she exclaimed, anguished that Odin had not listened to her reason.

"I'm trying to prevent that, Mother. I need to know when the wedding will start," he said without delays.

"When the bell rings once, the wedding has started. Twice then it's done, irrevocable." Frigga warned.

Thor dragged me away and bothered not to say goodbye to his mother, he had plenty of time for that after we crash this wedding.


There were a lot of Asgardians gathered in the halls. The throneroom was just 5 meters away but we had a hard time pushing through the crowd.

When we got there, two guards crossed their spears together and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am your prince, how dare you? Let us in." Thor snarled. I have never seen Thor this angry my whole life. He has always been a ray of sunshine. Now that he acted all serious, it was both refreshing and unsettling.

"I'm afraid you've been blacklisted, your majesty." the guard looked at Thor apologetically.

"Father must have known we'd try to get Loki," he muttered. Think, Ella! How would Loki get past this? Yes, I'm using Loki's perspective, he's a resourceful genius. Sly and scheming, yes, but genius nonetheless.


"Thor, we need disguises!" I exclaimed. When I had said that, the bell rang once. Shit, it's started. Knowing Odin, he might have the ceremony rushed to reduce the risk of interruptions.

"I know where to get it!" he said.

We ran a few flights of stairs and stopped at a room.

"Diana, open up!" he half-whispered as he knocked.

"Why are you whispering?" I whispered back.

"It just felt cool to be doing that," he nonchalantly replied in his normal voice. Stupid.

"Thor? What are you doing here?" the woman asked, confused. I was, too, honestly.

"Ella, meet Diana, Loki's betrothed. Diana, this is Loki's lover," he merrily introduced us. What did he expect me to do with that information?!

"Oh, thank the gods!" she exclaimed, "Are you here to stop the wedding?"

She clearly looked happy.

"Yes, she would like her lover back. Could you lend us some clothes so we can get in?" Thor requested.

Some maids came calling for Diana and she pointed to the drawers before leaving. When the coast was clear, we opened the drawers and it revealed some of servant's clothes.

"These all seem to be female garments," Thor remarked, displeased.

"Well suit up, anyway. That's all we have."

He grumpily changed clothes and so did I. It was a bit awkward being half naked with Thor. I mean it was nothing we hadn't seen before because we often saw each other naked back then but now was different.

"If this mission weren't so important, I'd take the entire day off just to make fun of you." I teased him.

He joyously twirled in the maid's skirt that barely fit him.

"Aren't I a fair maiden?" he asked proudly.

"That is nowhere near a disguise," I tried stifling a laugh but failed.

"Yes, but when I do this," he said putting a cloak over his head then covering his face, "definitely a disguise."

"You look stupid."

"That is no way to speak to a lady," he retorted. He was already getting into his role.

I rolled my eyes and went straight to the throneroom. Loki was there, looking regally handsome in his usual suit and helmet. Diana was there too, looking rather impatient.

"More to clean here!" an old lady hurled me somewhere a little bit further from the altar.

I saw Thor getting close to them. The officiator said "Speak now, or forever hold your peace."

My throat felt dry and my voice, lost. Just then, I heard the ugliest attempt at a female voice my entire life.

"I object to this wedding!" Thor yelled. I didn't know if I felt proud or utterly ashamed of him at that moment.

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