Chapter 45 - Big Reveal

978 42 18

The next morning, I woke up to Thor's loud knocking. I closed my eyes hoping he'd go away but instead, I heard a loud crash. Thor had broken down the door and was now at the foot of my bed.

"Thor, it's too early!" I complained.

"Loki's coming home today," he cheerfully said.

I shot up and immediately ran to the bathroom to shower. "You should have led with that!"

Afterwards, I put on a dress. "No, sister. That's not your color." Thor said.

"Oh, so you're a fashion expert now?" I quirked my eyebrows at him.

"I'm just saying, you should go with that one." he suggested pointing at a white empire waist dress with a golden belt. He was right, though I hate to admit it. The dress was pretty.

"Okay, you win." I conceded and proceeded to change again. "When's he getting here?" I asked, excitedly.

"This afternoon," Thor smiled as I went to show him the dress.

"Let's go, the Allmother requests your presence." he said, escorting me to the courtroom.


The courtroom seemed busy, I was about to go inside when Frigga rushed to me and said "Dear, there you are! I have important matters to discuss with you in my room."

"If you don't mind me asking, Allmother, what would these matters be?"

"Business..." she said. Well, that was a cliffhanger but okay.

I followed her to her room and when we were there, she produced a checklist.

"Favorite colors?" she asked all of a sudden.

"Uhmm, green and gold. Why–"

"Champagne or Wine?" she interrupted.


"Chocolate or vanilla?"


She called a maid and gave her the checklist. I just sat there not knowing what just happened.

"I've always wanted a daughter," she said. "You and Loki are having one, that's very nice."

"I'm nervous. I don't know how to raise a kid." I confessed. She sat beside me and held both my hands.

"Parenting is a wonderful gift. It is a difficult responsibility but seeing your children happy can be very fulfilling," she sighed. She stood up and started doing my hair in an elegant braid, adorning it with a golden tiara that had an emerald in the middle. "I did my best raising Loki, but I always knew deep down, my love has never been enough. Odin wasn't that much of a father, not to mention he killed both of Loki's real parents."

"Loki loves you. And he may not say it but he treats you like his real mother. Loki was never an Odinson nor a Laufeyson, he has always been your son." I reassured her. It was true, she did a wonderful job raising Loki.

"Your words are kind," she smiled. Thor came in all of a sudden.

"Loki won't be able to come home," he said, looking at me.

"Oh... I uhhh, I think I must retire to my room." I said, utterly disappointed. The Allmother gave me a reassuring gaze but my mind was in turmoil so I let out a forced smile.


My room felt cold and empty. I brewed myself some tea to somehow sort my emotions. Just then, someone cleared their throat behind me.

"Loki...?" I gasped, turning around to see him there, smiling at me.

"Surprise...?" he said, hesitantly. I ran to him and gave him the tightest hug I could.

"I missed you!" I was crying now. He pulled away gently, took a step back, and fell on one knee.

"I'm sorry for being away, and I'm sorry I lied. I wasn't preparing for the trials, I was preparing for this."

He produced a box in his hands and opened it to reveal a golden ring with a huge emerald.

"I love you, Ella. And no man in the nine realms would ever be as lucky as I am if you give me the pleasure of being your husband. Will you marry me?"

It was as if the world was in slow motion. There were butterflies in my stomach and the tears of joy came rushing.

"Loki, yes! A thousand times yes!"

A smile spread across his face as he stood up to put the ring on my finger.

"I love you." I said then I kissed him, deeply, letting him feel all the happiness and longing that was oent up while he was away.

"What have you been up to while I was away?" he asked.

"Oh, I pestered Thor."

"You pestered Thor? Not the other way around?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, I did. I was certain at some point he had started hiding from me." I laughed remembering how Thor had tried to hide himself behind a vase that was too small to conceal all of him.

I was about to get changed when Loki stopped me.

"I should get changed, I don't think this is appropriate for lunch, Thor made me wear this." I said pointing to the extravagant white dress I was wearing.

"It's not appropriate for lunch. But, it is appropriate for a wedding." he said.

I turned around, wide-eyed, heart pounding. Was I getting married today?

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