Chapter 24 - Asgard

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When Tony's briefing had ended, the three of us came to talk to him.

"Uh-oh. The three of you coming to me together, this can't be good," he greeted dryly when he saw us at the door.

"We'd like to be gone for a couple of days," I said, direct to the point.

"Gone where? Our plan starts working in 2 weeks, you'll have to train." his exhaustion was visible. In addition to fighting, I always forget that Tony does all the paperwork, repairs every damage, and keeps SHIELD off our backs.

"Sarah wants to go to Asgard so she can ask the Allfather to return her ability to fly," Thor explained.

He put his hands to his chin, thinking it through. He did need any man available here on Midgard in case of any surprise attacks.

"Okay, that would be an advantage. Make sure to be back on time," he agreed and waved us off.

On our way to the open lawn, we came across Nat who was handling a woman in cuffs.

"Nat, who is she?" I asked.

"SHIELD turned her over to our care, said she'd make a great asset," she shrugged.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Olivia Peterson," she answered, attempted to shake my hand, then quickly remembered she had cuffs on.

"Why are you in cuffs?" Thor pried.

"Oh, I'm unstable. At least that's what they tell me." she calmly explained. Her cold demeanor and blank expression gave nothing away.

"After Bruce runs his tests on you, you'll be out of these cuffs," Nat had reassured her. She simply nodded. No sign of relief. Just a purely emotionless face.

"Anyway, we have to go."

"Yes, Tony told me on the phone. Good luck," she hugged the three of us and Loki awkwardly squirmed but gave in eventually.

We walked to the center of the open field where Thor called out, "Heimdall, open the bifrost!"

A few seconds after, nothing happened. And then streaks of rainbow-colored lights appeared.

"Miss this?" Loki asked. It's been years since I used the bifrost. I had forgotten how it felt.

Loki held on to my waist as we traveled. Thor rode Mjolnir gloriously as we neared Asgard's end of the bifrost.


Thor greeted Heimdall.

"Odin's not gonna like this," Heimdall said in a foreboding tone.

"We are well aware of that," Loki replied and we walked behind Thor hand-in-hand.

Thor had led us to a stable where we bought horses to ride towards the palace.

"It's been a long time since I rode these, I've gotten so used to cars," I admitted.

Loki was about to hoist me up but I did that on my own, my body still remembering how to. Loki gave me a proud smile and he climbed onto his own horse.

A huge smile was plastered across my face as we rode to the palace. This brought back so many fond memories of when I used to belong here. The scenery hasn't changed a bit, I almost cried at the wave of nostalgia.

And I did cry, I guess, because Thor and Loki pulled up beside me as I slowed down to a halt. I stared at the Edge, remembering the day of my exile.

"I'm sorry," Thor had said. I shook my head in attempt to suppress the surge of memories.

"We're good now, Thor," I turned to him with a smile. "Let's get to Odin," I added and charged forward again, them catching up behind me.

I slowed down when we neared the gates, Thor sped up ahead and Loki rode closely beside me.

"Thor!" Fandral had greeted him. It was good that one of the Warriors Three had posted at the gate.

"Fandral! I'd like to stay and catch up but we have business with the Allfather."

"By we, you mean–"

"He meant us, Fandral." Loki said climbing down from his horse and so did I.

"You... I'm not overly fond of you," he directed to Loki, "But you, we've missed you, lass!" he said as he came to give me a crushing hug.

"I see that you and my big guy are now back together," he added, punching Thor playfully on the stomach.

"We're not–"

"Hush now, no need to be shy." he interrupted. He walked away before I could correct him, talking to one of the guards and then opening the gates for us.

"In you go, your royal highnesses. Ah, it brings me to tears seeing my future king and queen." Fandral fake cried.

"We're not back together, Fandral." Thor finally said.

"Oh... then who..." he looked down and saw how Loki and I held hands. "Well, ain't that a twist..." he remarked, unsure of how to react given that Loki looked at him as if he was shooting daggers from his eyes.

We bid our goodbyes and we walked towards the courtroom. Loki was tense, I could tell. He has been nothing but silent since we got here. Who wouldn't be? This place held traumatizing memories for him.

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