Chapter 31 - Godling

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"What do you mean?" I asked, shaking.

"You know what I mean," Thanos simply replied.

"Tell me," I said in a low threatening, voice. I wasn't gonna ask a third time.

"I meant that you are carrying that god's child inside you."

I stumbled backwards. My head spun, trying to keep up with what was happening. Had the circumstances been different, I would have been overjoyed. But now, I was more scared than happy. I mean, I found out I'm pregnant in the middle of an intergalactic war... from the alien that was trying to eliminate half of Midgard's population.

"Join me, valkyrie. Help me get the gauntlet back and I will spare you, your child, and the god." he offered.

I glared at him but before he could answer, Tony had blasted him off.

"More fighting, less talking!" he scolded and left to blast someone else. Thanos was now caught up in a fight with Thor and Cap.

They were awesome. Cap came at Thanos with his fists and shield, Thor with Mjolnir and a new weapon called Stormbreaker. Lightning flickered whenever Thor moved and I could say it made the battlefield look like majestic chaos.

I was pulled back to reality when a screech came from behind me. When I turned around, I saw that it was one of Thanos' alien friends. It tackled me to the ground and had started to kick me in the head. I didn't shield my head though. Instead, I curled into a ball and used my hands to protect my stomach.

Eyes closed, I braced myself for what was about to come but the kicking had stopped. Loki had thrown a dagger at the alien and was now running towards me.

"What happened? Are you alright?" he worried. It wasn't like me to stay down like that after all.

"Loki, I–" before I could say anything, another enemy had attacked us and we had to resume fighting. My body was getting tired.

Loki ran to help with Thanos. I tried to stop him but he didn't hear me.

For some reason, the gauntlet had landed in my hands again. I stared at it. I remembered Thanos' offer. What if this fight didn't go our way? What if we lost?

I looked around me– the chaos, the bloodshed, the fighting. Did I really want to raise my child in a world like this?

Without even thinking, I ran towards Thanos. He broke away from Wanda's powers. We stood face to face.

"Sarah, what are you doing?!" Cap asked.

I didn't say a word. My mind buzzed with worry.

"Give it to me, and I you will be spared." Thanos reiterated his offer.

I handed Thanos the gauntlet but he dropped it when a dagger pierced his hand. The gauntlet seemed to have crawled on its own but Antman had actually carried it away from Thanos.

Wanda pulled Thanos again and everyone worked into fighting him.

"What was that?" Loki asked, confused.

I was crying, I didn't know what to say.

"Shh, it's alright, love. He knows how to get into people's heads." he reassured me.

Everyone was giving everything they had to end this war. And here I was, being selfish. I'm no hero. That was true.

Just then I saw Thanos about to launch at Thor who was now on the ground. Everyone was also injured and had already fallen. On instinct, I threw a knife to stop Thanos.

I was nowhere near prepared for what happened next. Squidward deflected the knife away from Thanos and towards Loki. The knife had been buried in his chest.

"Loki, no!" I cried as I sprinted at full speed towards him. Thor had just received a critical blow from Thanos.

"I'll be fine," Loki assured me but he clearly wasn't. He was losing a lot of blood.

Thanos was now dragging an axe, he raised it and was ready to kill Thor with it. Squidward was also pointing a sword at Cap. Everyone was almost at their last breath.

"Stop!" I yelled. I took the gauntlet and wore it.

"Sarah, no! Don't be stupid!" Tony stopped me. I didn't listen.

I pretended to hand the gauntlet to him while I secretly plucked the reality stone. When Thanos had the gauntlet, I used the reality stone to summon a blackhole on top of Thanos. It sucked in Squidward who did not have time to grab onto something followed by almost the rest of his army. Thanos persistently clung to his axe that was stuck to the ground, the gauntlet had been sucked out when he dropped it so he let go and followed it into the blackhole. I closed it the moment Thanos and the last of his army had disappeared.

"Sarah, Loki's not doing well," Thor called out.

I ran to Loki's side and he barely had his eyes open. I used the reality stone to rebuild the tower and quickly got Loki and the others inside.

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