Chapter 44 - Preparations

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Loki took me away from the court as soon as I had given my statement. As much as I wanted to argue about the punishment, it was Asgard's law and the law is absolute. He led me to the gardens where he lay there with me on the grass admiring the flower beds.

"Listen, I know it's going to be hard on you but I have to be away for a couple of days starting tomorrow," he said. I sat up and turned to face him, my chin resting on his chest as he lie down.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to prepare for the trials," he replied, kissing my forehead.

I didn't want him to go but I knew he had to train. The trials weren't like any mission with the avengers, and even if it were, he'd have to face them alone. I should be the one supporting him, not holding him back.

"We'll miss you," I said.

We lay there in complete calm and silence until I felt like my eyes were heavy as lead. Eventually, I fell asleep on Loki's chest to the sound of his heartbeat.


The next morning, I woke up in my bedroom. I looked around to see Loki getting dressed. I remember he had to be away for awhile and I felt a pang of sadness in my chest.

"Weren't you gonna wake me up?" I asked, crawling on the bed and getting off to hug him from the back.

"I was going to, after I got dressed." he turned around and climbed on top of me, my back now against the bed. "I'm going to miss this view."

I laughed and kissed him. It was a long, passionate kiss to make up for the time we weren't gonna see each other.

"I love you, always remember that." his eyes stared deeply into mine. Never in my life had I felt so loved.

"I love you, too. Your daughter and I will be here waiting." I reassured him.

He stood and left the room. The moment he was gone, I felt empty. I missed him already.


It's been three days since Loki was away. I felt his presence most of the time and I thought he was watching me sleep but it was just me missing him. I haven't been this far away from him, not since my exile.

I lie there, staring at the ceiling. It was morning now. I had nothing to do. The allmother is rather busy, I'd train with the Warriors Three and Lady Sif but they were away on a raid.

I stood up and put on a dress. There's nothing else left to do other than take a walk around the palace. As I headed for the garden, I came across Lady Diana.

"Hi, where are you headed?" I asked. She replied with, "I'm learning the art of healing so I'm off to the infirmary." she said with a smile.

"Oh, okay. Good luck!" I said and she thanked me before proceeding. I guess I was left with no other choice.

I went to where the royal chambers were. If I remember correctly, the door across Frigga's room is Thor's. I knocked and he opened up.

"No, I don't know where Loki is." he said immediately.

"Okay...? It's weird, the way you said that immediately." I pointed out.

"Oh, was it? I just thought you'd come looking for him." he said with a huge smile that also felt very weird but whatever.

"Can I come in? I don't have anyone to talk to," I asked. He stepped back and I came in, noting the mix of Asgardian and Midgardian furniture. Even Thor was in a matching set of Asgardian sleepwear.

"I see that you've been starting to miss my brother," he noted.

I simply nodded and was about to fall facedown on his bed when I saw a flat screen and some gaming consoles.

"You have a play station here in Asgard?!" I exclaimed. I sat down on the floor in front of the flatscreen and picked up a console.

"It's actually the ones they have in Midgard, Clint said it would be fun to own one so I bought one for him and I took one home."

"You know that he only said that so you'd buy him one, right?" I asked, now focused on Mario Kart.

"Wrong, it wasn't for him. He gave it to his son as a present." he said proudly which made me chuckle. Conversations with Thor are always lighthearted.

"Who knew these things would work here?" I said, bewildered. He sat crosslegged next to me and picked up a console. "Is this a challenge, Thor?"

"Oh, you're on!" he cheered.

We played a couple rounds of Mario Kart and ate our hearts out. I always beat him and he'd always want a rematch.

"I better go, Thor. It was nice hanging out, thanks." I said and went to my room.

The moment I got in, it felt lonely again.

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