Chapter 32 - Recovery

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My guilt was eating me alive. I shouldn't have given the gauntlet to Thanos. Dr. Strange had the time stone, I have the reality stone with me. It meant that they will come for us. Again.

"They're doing good but Loki... not so much," Pepper told me outside the infirmary after talking to the doctor.

I wanted to see everyone but I was afraid they'd hate me. All I could do was sit on the floor and cry. Pepper sat beside me, gently patting me on the back.

"You did what you had to do, okay?" she reassured me, "Now, go in there. They don't hate you." her smile warmed my heart I gained some confidence to finally walk up to the room.

I stood there by the door, looking at everyone. I did this. I fucked up bigtime.

Cap was the first to stir awake. He tried to get up, and when he did he immediately removed all the tubes attached to him.

"Steve, you shouldn't be doing that," I said, trying to stop him.

"I'm fine," he replied. I let him be because he's one stubborn person. When he was done, he sat there in silence and stared at me.

"Why did you do that?" he asked. His tone was neutral, it wasn't accusing but it definitely wasn't comforting either.

"I... I'm with child, Steve," I burst into tears. "Thanos said if I did that me, Loki, and my child would be spared."

He stood up and gave me a warm hug. "I understand. Losing can be terrifying when you have a lot to lose."

"I feel so overwhelmed right now." I admitted. There were too many emotions. I'm not good at keeping up with so many emotions at the same time.

"I know. How about when Thanos gets back, you sit out the fight?" he kindly offered.

"Steve, I owe it to everyone to be there. I did this, this is all my fault." I sobbed on his chest.

"No. Everyone owes you their lives. You made the right call." he let go of the hug and stared me in the eyes.

"It was a selfish call, at best. I'm no hero, Steve. I fight to protect what I love." I couldn't stare at his eyes, not when they were full of acceptance and I felt like I didn't deserve that.

"The world has us to fight for them, but you fought for us. Heroes need saving, too." he ruffled my hair lightly and went to check on the others.

"I'll explain everything to them when they wake up. Go to Loki."

I gave Cap a thankful smile. Talking to him had been therapeutic and it took some weight off my chest.

Loki was in his room, which now looked like a hospital suite because there were tubes attached to him. I scooched beside him, careful not to hurt him.

"Loki, you need to wake up. Please, wake up."


I didn't know I fell asleep beside Loki until Thor woke me up.

"Sarah, you have to eat." he said when I got off the bed.

"I'll eat here," I insisted.

"This is not the time to be stubborn, you need to rest and eat. For you and for the baby," he gently said. I reckon Cap had told them about the pregnancy.

"I just want to be here when he wakes up."

"And that you will be. Now, eat. My brother will stab me if he sees you starved and unrested." Thor dismissed and it was clear that he wasn't going to bargain with me so I went downstairs.

I found Nat and Clint cooking, Bruce was lying facedown on the couch, and Tony and Steve were discussing something. Wanda and Vision were enjoying a movie. It's as if the invasion hadn't happened.

Wanda saw me by the entrance and she ran to hug me. I cried. Again. I was crying a lot today, it could be the hormones.

"Thank you," she said. Before I could protest, Tony said "You saved us." with a smile. I was scared I had disappointed him most but he came up to me and gave me a hug.

"This hug is gonna last 5 seconds because I'm uncomfortable with human touch," he explained which made everyone laugh. "Normally, it would be 3 seconds but I'll give you an extra 2 for the baby."

"I could feel a second consciousness from you," Wanda said.

"Really? What else?" I asked wiping away my tears. Nat had already set up the table, when I saw the feast she made, I was immediately hungry.

"She's worried." Wanda said.

"About what?"

"For you, and Loki. Your child loves you."

I smiled at her and went to the table.

"Wait, hold up," Bruce interrupted.

"Did Wanda say 'she'?"

My eyes widened at the sudden realization. Everyone in the room had also cheered.

"I did say that. Congratulations, it's a girl." Wanda declared.

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