Chapter 30 - Invasion

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Loki produced two daggers, one in each hand, and was walking towards Thor.

"Loki, we can talk about this," Thor said, standing and then raising his hands in complete surrender. Loki wouldn't have it.

Thor took a tablecloth and said "Aha!"

"What do you plan to do with that?" Loki asked dryly. He stopped twisting the daggers in his hands.

"I shall wave it in surrender," Thor stated proudly and waved the tablecloth in front of a bewildered Loki.

"Had you not been born an Asgardian, your mortal life would have been shortlived. I cannot begin to comprehend how such a simpleton like you survived to adulthood," Loki sheathed his daggers, clearly deciding that Thor was a hopeless case.

"It's called charm, brother," I laughed at their silly antics.

Our little fun was interrupted when a huge explosion rattled the tower.

"Suit up, a huge space ship is firing at us," Stark spoke through the intercom.

"Loki, I need to get to the artillery," I said and he nodded. Thor went to Tony while me and Loki sprinted to where the weapons were. The firing raged on and soon enough, the tower would collapse.

Once there, I grabbed all the weapons I could get. Stuffing them in the suit that Loki had changed me into while running. I saw two enhanced M4s that were modified to fire strong proton lasers. I grabbed them and held one on each hand.

"This might be ill timing but you look ravishing," Loki complimented which made me blush. He was chivalrous even in the midst of all the chaos.

We marched into the battlefield only to see Bucky already there. He was in nothing but a cotton tanktop and boxers, his hair gave away the fact that he had just woken up.

"Good morning, lovebirds," he greeted when he saw us.

Loki changed him into his usual suit.

"Thanks. You're a handy outfit coordinator," Bucky jokingly said, taking an alien by the neck and smashing it onto the ground.

Loki fought with his daggers, and when some got too close he'd use his horned helmet. I focused on shooting, covering Loki and Bucky's back. We saw Tony flying around, blasting at every alien life form he could see.

"I have to go, Olivia is in one of the cells," Bucky said.

"Why?" I wondered.

"She tried to run away," Bucky shrugged and laughed and I instantly knew I liked this Olivia.

Tony flew above us, telling us where the others had been. "They're scattered all over the galaxy retrieving the stones."

As if on cue, a huge spaceship landed carried by a woman, whom Tony named Captain Marvel, and everyone who wasn't on the compound came pouring out of the ship.

Bruce was awkwardly running while hugging a gauntlet that would fit the Hulk. Instantly, a big purple guy landed in front of Bruce.

"I'll need my gauntlet back," Barney said.

"Up here!" Spiderman, or Peter, signaled for Bruce to throw him the gauntlet which he caught and started shooting webs to get as far from the purple guy as possible.

"Why's everybody fighting over a gauntlet? And who's this guy with a nutsack for a chin?" I yelled as I ran to help Peter.

"Oh, that's Thanos. These are the infinity stones," he tried to show me the stones in the gauntlet but ended up dropping it so I caught it. Great. Now I was it.

Thanos had started chasing me. I tossed the gauntlet up and Sam caught it. Before Thanos could turn to Sam, I launched at him. When I tackled him to the ground, I pinned him down and opened his mouth. There I inserted the M4 I had been carrying but before I could put a hole through his head, I had been thrown off by our earlier visitor whom we don't have a name for so we call him Squidward.

"You are a sinister woman, and I respect that," Thanos said, punching me in the face which I blocked but the force he used was so strong it still knocked me off balance.

"I don't care much for the respect of the likes of you," I spat at him, kicking his feet while I was on the ground then rising quickly to throw a dagger at him. I could have hit his head but he dodged it by mere centimeters when he rolled to his right.

"Do you really wanna keep fighting despite your condition?" he said smugly, throwing the knife at me which I dodged but it had been a distraction while he got up and punched me in the face again. The punch had landed this time and I feel like my whole face had just been bruised. My nose was also bleeding.

"I may not have my wings but I'm more than a match for you."

"Oh, I don't doubt that. It's not about what you lack right now, it's about what you have. Right there," he threatened, pointing at my stomach.

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