Chapter 50 - Aveena

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It's been five months since Loki was declared next in line for the throne. Odin has been training him during those five months and their relationship as father and son has grown past grudges and was now healing, slowly but surely. His coronation was tomorrow so I was busy finishing up the wrapping for his gift.

I was due any day now, my belly was visibly big. I slightly touched it when suddenly, I feel like I wet myself. Panic struck me as soon as I realized that my water broke.

Walking was a chore in this condition so I waddled my way through the halls like a penguin. Lady Diana was there, thankfully. She saw me and ran to me.

"Is everything alright?!" she looked at my pained expression.

"My water broke," I said as calmly as I could. She called for the maids. They rushed me to the infirmary.


I lie there in agony, it felt like fire down there. Beads of sweat dripped all over my face. Frigga entered the room with a midwife tailing behind her.

"Where's... Loki...?" I asked in between breaths. A maid volunteered to call him.

Meanwhile, Frigga held my right hand. Urging me to push while the midwife waited at the foot of the bed to assist my baby's exit. I pushed with all my might, screaming as I did so.

Thor suddenly came in, asking "What's wrong? I heard screaming."

"Damn you, Thor!" I yelled as I pushed again.

"Oh, she's going into labor," Thor cheerfully said as she stood beside Frigga.

Loki teleported in minutes later, he stood beside me opposite to Frigga and held my hand.

"We'll get through this together," he encouraged and he yelled with me as I pushed. Had I not been in tremendous pain, I would have found this funny.

Moments later, I heard a cry. My tears started pouring as the midwife walked towards me and Loki, handing me my baby.

"She's so tiny," I said laughing despite the tears. I looked up to Loki and saw that he was crying as well.

"That's my... daughter," he said with a smile. I offered him our baby and he reluctantly took her.

"What's her name?" Thor asked the billion dollar question.

"Damn, Bucky was right. We shouldn't have waited until today to name her," I said.

"How about Aveena?" Loki said.

"Is that where I think it's from?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, it's from the Avengers, whatever," he said shyly, even blushing.

"Oh, Loki. Just admit you've come to love my merry band of overrated hero friends," Thor teased which earned him a glare from Loki.

"Aveena... I love it." I looked at Frigga who nodded in agreement. The midwife took Aveena from Loki and proceeded to bathe her. I, on the other hand, had felt the fatigue of labor just now.

"You should rest. I'll see to it that she is handled with care and brought to your room after she's washed," Frigga said perched over Aveena. She loved her granddaughter, I could tell.

Loki helped me up, even helped me wash myself. Afterwards, he lay me gently on the bed.

"Thank you, for bringing our daughter safely into this world," he whispered. I wasn't sure if I did hear that or if that was a dream because the moment I hit the bed, I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of crying. Loki was dancing while carrying Aveena. He was already on his usual ensemble, even had the horned helmet on. It looked odd to see him in such a regal outfit trying to calm a crying baby.

"I think she's hungry, let me try," I extended my hands and lowered my night gown. Aveena suckled on my breasts. Wow, Loki's got some competition.

"Are we late for the coronation?" I asked.

"No, you'll have time to prepare after you feed her. I took care of her the whole night because I didn't want to wake you, I figured since I was already awake, I should just get ready." he smiled at me gently, sitting beside me and looking at our daughter.

"She's got your eyes," I said. I felt something on Aveena's back and checked to see what it was. Loki and I gasped at the sight of small wings beginning to form.

"Apparently, she's got your wings," he commented which I didn't know whether I should laugh or be worried.

The window opened from a strong wind, it was winter and the blizzard outside was a little bit intense. A snowflake had fallen on Aveena's chest and her chest turned blue.

"She's... she's part jotun..." Loki stared in shock.

"She's different from the rest," I stated to which he replied, "That doesn't mean she is loved any less. When I am king, no one must be excluded just because they're different."

I smiled at his words, I knew then that everything will be alright.

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