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I gave it a few minutes of consideration and thought to myself "fuck it, I'll go"

I started to get ready, I applied my makeup, gave my wig a few loose curls and put on my white dress and I leave.

I arrived at my boss's house and as I'm approaching the stairs, Stephanie runs past me frantically crying as Angel follows her.

"What the fuck is going on in there?" I'm thinking as I watch them run away.

"You came!" A masculine voice surprised me from behind.

I turned around and it was Mr. Frank. Standing there in muscle showing black   button down accompanied by dark blue Armani slacks. I think I drooled a bit.

"Hi, I'm sorry to just pop up but who can resist a good meatloaf?"

"Well come in, dinner is almost ready"

I turn to see if I could see Stephanie and Angel as I was escorted into the house.

Now, I've been here before to drop off or pick up paperwork but I've never come inside and I am stunned at how beautiful it is. There's crystal chandeliers, fish in the floor and statues of great African American leaders made of glass.
"Wow" I said as we were walking

"My wife sculpted those"

"She's so talented" I replied.

As we approached the dining area, he asked a butler to add an extra plate and offered me a seat, as we're sitting one of the servers come and pours me a drink requested by Mr. Frank.

"Where's your wife? I can't wait to meet her"

"Come on, let me introduce you." He said while leading me to the kitchen where we're greeted by this beautiful older woman who was the spitting image of Sheryl Lee Ralph.

"Baby? I have someone I'd like to introduce you to. This is Deysire Washington one of the best financial consultants that the firm has ever seen"

He looked at me and said "Deysire this is my lovely wife "Roberta"

I reached my hand out to shake hers,

She looked at me with a big smile on her face and said in a nurturing tone
"Now Ms. Deysire you'd better come on here and give me a hug. It's so nice to meet you.".

"Nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Hope"
I said as she squeezed me.
After her comforting hug she jokingly fans us out of the kitchen
"Go, go now. Stop distracting me".

He kissed her on the cheek and we headed out. Just as we were almost out she insisted "Frank show Deysire around"

"Yes honey!" He said.

We get another glass of wine and headed for the tour.

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