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I calmed down and took a drive around the city. I decided to do a little shopping at my cheating ass husband's expense. He hated it when I spent money but I didn't give a fuck. I was going to suck elite dick tonight and damnit, I was gonna look the part.

My total came out to be $4,321.76 and I couldn't wait until he saw it. I was out to get what I wanted.

I sent Frank a text

"Meet at 2176 palace blvd... 9p.m"

He responded

"She's feeling bossy today, huh? Yes ma'am. See you then."

"Oh, Frank? One more thing.."

"What's that?"

"Don't make me wait."

He responded "I promise I won't".

I decided to go to Target and grab toiletries. I was walking around and I heard "Desiree?" I minded my own business and then felt a gentle touch across my shoulder.

"Excuse me?" The soft voice said.

I turned around, looking at Ms. Roberta.

"Hi." I said surprised.

She said "Desiree, right?"

I smiled "no ma'am. It's Deysire."

"Deysire! That's right. Forgive me"

"It's fine, Ms. Roberta. How are you?"

"I'm good. Are you ok? You look like hell. Can I offer you a cup of coffee?"

(I didn't want to turn down her sweet offer but I couldn't sit down and pretend to be her friend. I was literally preparing to go fuck her husband.)

"I would love to, Ms. Roberta but I have to get going."

"Okay then, Deysire. Maybe next time."

I damn near ran away from her. I left the store and headed home. I had a few hours alone before Keith retuned home. I decided that I would do some journaling...

***Dear Diary,

I've never felt this bad. My best friend is sleeping with my husband? She's like a sister to me. We talked about how grimy bitches who do that, should be burned alive and the whole time I'm smiling in her face, I should have been burning her ass. It's starting to make sense now. Her secret lunches were with him! The day he came and ate my pussy, he took her to lunch... THAT'S WHO SHE WAS WITH AT LUNCH. How did I not notice this? I am so angry, more so at her than him because Keith has shown me that he can't be trusted and I take full responsibility for not leaving but her? I cried to her a year straight, so was she one of the bitches? I mean thinking back she did seem a bit too upset. I can't come back from this. I want to destroy them both. I leave for Miami in a few days, I'll sneak back in town a little early, find them and kill them together or maybe sabotage their vehicles so that they explode. They'll be unrecognizable, that's fitting. Seeing as how they're not who I thought. In other news, I'm so ready for Frank to fuck me tonight. I invited him to the palace where Keith and I spent our honey moon. That's how we found our house, looking over the mountains and Keith promised to buy a house in the village over the mountains. From where we live, we can see the rooftop of the palace. That's where I plan to fuck Frank tonight.


From not giving a fuck to getting fucked***

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