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"Dr. Jansen to room 4." I heard

There was beeping and clicking. I couldn't move. I couldn't see anything. I heard people talking, I couldn't really make out what they were saying. I opened my eyes, there were machines all around me. I could taste blood. My vision was blurred in one eye and completely dark in the other. I was in a hospital.

What happened? How did I end up here?

"Welcome back, Mrs. Washington." Said a soft voice.

I tried to speak but nothing came out.

"Just relax, Mrs. Washington. The doctor will be in shortly to remove the tube from your throat."

I looked around, still couldn't move. I was scared. I could hear the nurse speaking but my head felt as if it were expanding.

"Mrs. Washington? Mrs. Washington?"

I went back.

"Mrs. Washington, can you hear me?"

I opened my eye.

"There you are. I'm Dr. Jansen. Mrs. Washington, do you know where you are?"

A tear fell from my eye. I was in pain.

I managed to mumble the words "What happened?"

"Well you did some damage to your car. It's a miracle that you were pulled out alive. You got banged up pretty bad. You suffered a concussion and lost a lot of blood. Luckily we were able to save the baby. Mrs. Washington, you're a really lucky woman."


"Yes ma'am. Were you unaware?"

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