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  I went to my room to get ready for whatever it was that Angel had planned. While getting ready, I received a call from Amanda. I thought about simply answering and letting her know that I knew, but that's too easy, so I ignored the call. I wanted her guilt to keep her up at night, wondering do I know about what she's doing.


                I got dressed and headed for Angel's room. In the hallway towards the lobby, I was stopped by Arnold.

"Hey there pretty lady. Nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you, too. How are you?"

"I'm doing swell. Headed to the pool, where are you going dressed in your night clothes?"

"I'm headed to Angel's room"

He looked at me as if he wanted to say something creepy but smiled and said "I knew it."

"Oh no, Mr. Arnold! It's not like that."

He gave me a stern look of disbelief and said "I'll take your word for it."

We said goodbye and went our separate ways. 

Once I got to Angel's room and got ready to knock on the door, I realized it was already open.

"Hello?" I called from the doorway.

"Come in!" Angel yelled from the living room.

I walked into the living room and there were balloons, snacks, music and old vhs tapes stacked up. It was like someone had delivered the 90s. I instantly felt the nostalgia.

"What is this?" I questioned.

"Well, It's a sleepover. Haven't you ever been to a sleepover, Deysire?

"Of course! As a kid."

"Well, tonight we're two adults in Miami with NO RESPONSIBILITIES. Sounds like a good time to be kids again... Except we can drink"

I couldn't hold in the excitement anymore "Fine, what do you have planned?

"EVERYTHING" he exclaimed .

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