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My life was like the twilight zone. What the hell is happening? My husband is sleeping with my boss, whom I slept with after I slept with his dad's baby mama? What would her and Stephanie be arguing about? I thought she didn't know about her? Everything was complicated, I couldn't unravel any of this.

I backed up from the window and grabbed my things and left.

"Where are you going, Mrs. Washington?" Courtney asked.

"I have to get out of here." I said heading towards the elevator, where I bumped into Stephanie. She gave me a really nasty stare but said nothing. I went to my car and called Keith.

"What, Dee? I'm busy."

"We need to talk."

"What don't you get? I'm not ready to talk. Goodbye."

"Keith, I need to know what the f..."

He hung up! I called back, no answer. I left a voicemail and sent a text.

"Call me ASAP!!!"

I headed home. I couldn't do anything, I needed to make sense of all of this. I called Roberta and just as I thought, no answer. I sent her a text.

"If you don't answer, deal is off."

She called back in less than a minute.

"What the f$%k is going on?" I asked

"What's going on?"

"I saw my husband in the grocery store with Angel's side chick and saw the same woman arguing with Stephanie."

"Wait! Slow down. I have no clue about any of that? I'm trying to stop my crooked husband. I'm sorry that your husband is being unfaithful but I need you to stay focused. Now, did you find a way to get into the house?"

I  didn’t want to tell her that I had gotten the keys. At this point, none of them could be trusted. I only gave a damn about Deysire. That bastard walked into my house and raped and beat me. I was getting him for me. To hell with everyone else. Revenge was mine and damnit, I was taking it. I instantly felt a sense of power. I’m making my way into that house tomorrow if it's the last thing I do.

I tried to map all of this out and I just couldn’t connect everything. I was missing something, because it just doesn’t add up. I gave it no more thought. I walked to my mirror and made myself a promise “I’m going to come out of this on top. No matter who I have to take down.”

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